Saturday, May 4, 2024
15° C / 59° F
Overcast with some clouds
Better Late than Never - With Apologies
(Mieux Vaut Tard que Jamais- Avec mes Excuses)
I received an e-mail several years ago from a fellow Quebecer. He wanted to know what the value was of a beautiful wood Hubley Fire Truck with an aerial ladder.
I don't know what happened, but time moved on, and I somehow forgot to answer Mr. Sylvain Baz.
Fast forward, and I was looking through my e-mail (Google gmail saves everything!).
Lo and behold there was the request from Mr. Sylvain Baz asking if I could help him to find out the value of this beautiful toy.
I did a search this week, but I couldn't find the answer.If you do the search, you end up with lots of results, but you have to be a member of the auctions company in order to communicate with them.
I can't find much information about the toy, so if someone out there can help me, that also would be great. The toy is 29" (73.66 cm) long, weighs 3 lbs 15.5 oz. pounds (1.80 kg).It's made of wood, and Worthpoint identifies the years made between early 1920's- mid 1950's.*
Sylvain was looking to find the value (price) of this toy.
So this is my blog post for today.
I hope that someone can help me find the value of this toy,
and when it was made.
Thanks for visiting my blog,
and have a great part of the day or evening,
wherever you may be.
I can always be reached at:
My name is Mr. Stacey Bindman
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