Monday, December 2, 2024

The Henry Ford (Museum) Revisited

Monday, December 2, 2024
29° F / -2° C
Sunny with some clouds

Revisiting The Henry Ford (Museum)

I decided to write another post post about The Henry Ford (Museum),
 so I wrote them for their permission.  Within a short time, I received 
permission one of the reference librarians to post again.  

Months ago, I "discovered"  this marvellous website that Mr.Henry Ford created, along with all of the people working for this exceptional resource and museum. 
If I ever go to Detroit Michigan (U.S.A.), the place that I would want to visit is
this fantastic museum, with all of its' different areas for seeing so many different things. I would have to visit the toy museum section, before everything else.
My second choice would be the car section of the museum.

The toy section on the web is very carefully catalogued. I've only used 
the photos and  their descriptions, but  like a library, this museum's
contents have been  carefully sorted and catalogued for reference purposes.

Once again, each and every toy has a vast amount of
detailed information.The Henry Ford (Museum) website would be 
an excellent resource and reference site to research toys.

For this PlaySchool toy, you can see  all of the detail and work that goes into 
classifying each and every toy item in this special toy area of the Museum.

The magnified beetle below is described as follows:


"Small tin toys were first made during the 1860's, especially in and 
around Nuremburg, Germany. This beetle was made by the 
Lehmann Company, a German manufacturer known for its colorful 
and detailed mechanized tin toys.Winding the clockwork mechanism 
makes this beetle walk and flap its' wings".

The beetle below was made in 1895.

Toy Soldier, 1840-1860
Creator Unknown

Wood (plantMaterial)
Paint (Coating)

Length:  5.625 in  (14.2875 cm)
Width:  2.375  in (6.0325 cm)
Height:   6 in  (15.24 cm)

Toy Airplane 
Date Made: 1948-1950

Made by All Metal Products (Wyandotte Toys) 
in Wyandotte, Michigan (U.S.A.)

Steel (Alloy)



Height:  2.5 in. (6.35 cm)
        Width:  10.25 in. (26.035 cm)
Length: 10" (25.4 cm)

So that's it for today.

Thanks for visiting my website, and please visit the 
The Henry Ford Museum. It's a fascinating resource for 
not just toys, but for all kinds of other things (especially cars).

As always, thanks for visiting,

and have a great part of the day or evening,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I  can always be reached atA:



Sunday, December 1, 2024

A Beautiful Ironman Toys Reproduction Arcade Bus Comes up For Auction

Sunday, December 1, 2024
31° F / -1° C
loud with some sun

A Beautiful Ironman Toys Reproduction
Arcade Bus Comes up for Auction
at Marz Auctions

    Lately, my next blog is decided by looking at whom I haven't written about
recently. When I find someone, I then go to their website and select the latest auction, or future auction. From there, I then select a group of toys to write about,
or  select one toy, and that's how today's blog post evolved.

I selected a nice bus from Marz Auctions, an auctioneers company. They are
 affiliated with Antique Toys Inc., another toy auctioneer. Both are very good companies who have established themselves in the old toy business.

I selected a toy, which I thought was an old Arcade cast iron toy from
a long-ago company by the name of Arcade*

However, as it turned out, this toy was a reproduction. 
Description and history of this nice toy from Antique Toys Inc.

"Ironman Toys is a business created by Arnie Prince in California to help
with cast iron toy restoration. His company spun off to make extremely limited 
and custom toys in the 80's,90's, and 2000's. He created his own Chevy Roadster, cast iron  motorcycles, and reimagined Ford roadsters (among many others). Arnie is considered one of the best restoration artists, and a premier toymaker.
His toys have been rising in price as collectors enjoy the metal art."

Length:  12.5 inches / 31.75 cm

    The Northland Greyhound bus company
was bought by someone, and became Greyhound Lines.
(Courtesy of Marz Auctions*).

So that's my blog post for today.

Have a look at both Marz Auctions and 
Both companies sell old toys, with well-written
descriptions, and excellent photography, and
is also a great website to learn about toys and the history of the many 
different companies from "times gone by".

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman 
and I can be reached at

An Exceptional Group of Erzgebirge Ark with Animals Comes to Auction

Sunday, December 1, 2024
31° F / -1° C

An Exceptional Group of
Erzbebirge Ark with Animals
Comes to a Bertoia Auction

I've had the pleasure and enjoyment to write blog posts for Bertoia Auctions
almost since the beginning of my blog. They are a family business, and  I 
am very grateful for their having allowed me to write about them, and their fine collections of toys that come to their auctions.

I was up early today, and when I  decided to search on the LiveAuctioneers website, I decided by happenstance (coincidence) to add Bertoia Auctions in the search.

They have many auctions coming up, but the opening page for Bertoia Auctions on the LiveAuctioneers website immediately caught my attention. The page
had a beautifully-photographed set of animals with an ark and a group of four people that included 2 men and 2 women. 

Moreover, what I especially admired was the arrangement 
of the animals and the people. It must have taken a long time to create these wonderful arrangements for the photographer. I especially liked how the people 
and the birds were carefully placed in the grouping. The work that went
into these arrangements certainly  works well to have the viewer look around all over the composition and positioning of all the pieces.

This auction will start on December 13, 2024

This set was made in Erzgebirge, Germany. Originally, Erzgebirge was known
for mining, but later, became famous for their wood carving.

Bertoia Auctions Description (on LiveAuctioneers)
Item # 263

263. ERZGEBIRGE LARGE ARK W/ FLOCKED ANIMALS | Grande Noah?s Ark highlighting the best of Erzgebirge craftsmanship. Hand constructed between 1850 and1860 the gondola style ark exhibits a beautiful hand painted frieze, pegged construction and carved lines on the hull mimicking the curved | planks. The ark is accompanied with a menagerie of 230 flocked animals, birds, and figures. Flocked animals are quite rare. We know of only two Grande Arks containing this many flocked animal, this ark and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller | ark displayed at the Folk Art Museum located in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. | 29" long, 8" wide, 9" high. | There has been some restoration to several animals and touchup to the ark, overall in (Excellent Condition) for its age. | $10,000 - $15,000

I haven't seen such a large group of animals with people and an ark.
It's quite beautiful, and the craftsmanship is most-elegant and attractive.

I hope that you enjoy this post as I did in writing it, and by all means, venture over to the LiveAuctioneers website to see this Bertoia Auction's auction, together with, lots of interesting items up for auction.

So thank's for visiting my blog,
and always,

have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

And, I can always be reached at

And to everyone,

A Very Merry Christmas and 
a Healthy and Happy New Year

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman