Saturday, January 22, 2022

Joel Siegel's Popeye Toys

 January 22, 2022

Overcast with some sun

-17 Celcius. 1.4 Fahrenheit

Joel Siegel's Popeye Toys

Among the many toys that are up for auction, there are several interesting Popeye toys from the 1930's - 1940's. I've already written a previous post about the Late Joel Siegel. You might want to visit this post that is the one before this one. Mr. Siegel was an exceptional man whom you might have seem on Good Morning America on ABC years ago.

Popeye the Sailor Man is a fictional cartoon character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. The character has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons.


"Popeye in a Barrel"
J.Chein Wind-Up Toy
1930's, tin litho, King Features Syndicate
When wound up with integral key, Popeye hops around

"Popeye and Olive Oyl on Roof"
Louis Marx
Circa 1935 Wind-Up Toy
Wen wound up with integral key, Popeye dances and Olive Oyl sways

"Popeye Dippy Dumper Funny Car"
Louis Marx
Circa 1940 Wind-Up Toy
Tin truck with integral key, celluloid figure
When wound, truck lurches
6" x 9"  152 mm x 228 mm 

So that's it for today, and I hope everyone is all bundled 
up and masked both for the very cold weather, and for Covid.

Thanks for dropping by
and have a great day.

You can always reach me at:

Friday, January 21, 2022

The Toy Collection of the Late TV Personality - Mr. Joel Siegel

Friday January 21, 2022

Sunny  and very cold

-17 Celcius   1.4 Fahrenheit 

The Toy Collection of the Late TV Personality Mr Joel Siegel

I was surfing the Internet, when I came across toys that were being auctioned at Leland Little Auctions in North Carolina. There was a nice grouping of toys, but what really caught my attention was the name of the collector whose toys were being auctioned. His name is Mr. Joel Siegel  There was also a photo, and immediately I recognized the late Mr. Joel Siegel from his having been a TV film critic on Good Morning America telecast on ABC morning news. He worked with ABC for more that 25 years.

The reason that I recognized his photo was that when I watched Good Morning America back then, there were 2 characteristics that I remembered he had. He had a full grown mustache and he always had a smile on his face.

I added the Wikipedia above (under the photo) because when I was researching Joel, I wanted to add some information about him. Joel was an exceptional person, multi-talented, and very intelligent. I could fill a few Blogger pages about Joel, but it's best to go directly to the link above. It's too bad that he passed away at so young an age.


A toy of bright, shiny litho with several Disney characters lithographed onto the base, marked "Mickey Mouse Express". Has the original plane and propeller with white plastic Mickey head in the cockpit. Working condition: the train circles through tunnels whilst Mickey flies overhead. With box. Rare to find an example with Mickey.

2 1/4 x 9 inches with plane detached.
Box 2 1/2 x 9 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches

58 mm x 228 mm with plane detached
Box 63 mm x 241 mm x 241 mm

About the Company

Leland Little Auctions has specialized in the sale of fine high end collectible objects for over 20 years, with sales achieving over $14 million per year and growing. We pride ourselves on providing collectors, estates, and institutions with world-class auction services.

The strength of Leland Little Auctions is a team of experienced professionals dedicated to their fields. Producing a successful auction is a complex operation, requiring expertise in departments as varied as Fine Jewelry and Information Technology. For every job, for each logistic, our team brings to bear exceptional talent, experience and grace.

I only added 1 interesting toy because the auction is currently going on and people are bidding. Also, I don't have much time to add more than I have for today's blog. There are some interesting toys like the one I selected to include today. What's also interesting is that a very good amount of toys have their original cardboard boxes included.

As always,
Thanks for dropping by
And have a great day, wherever you may be.

You can always reach me at:


Friday, January 7, 2022


Friday, January 6, 2022                                    -6 C    21.2 F                            Cloudy with Flurries

I'm always surprised whenever I receive an e-mail.  I never know who, from where they live, what they do, and what's their interest in toys. 

This always reminds me of the great movie Forest Gump, when he says to a person sitting on a seat at a bus station stop.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get"

  And so it came to be when I received an e-mail from Justin who has a great website on YouTube©2022. You absolutely have to visit his website because he has a great skill at restoring these old toys!

Justin's website can be viewed at the address below:

Justin happens to be a toy collector who has a great skill of restoring old toys. He was writing to me because he has a toy that he was restoring, but couldn't find out who manufactured the toy, and when it would have been made. So he wrote to me. I did some searching but couldn't find out the information that he sought out. SO, I asked Justin if I might use his photos that he sent me, and correspondingly write a blog post for him. He said yes, and thus came to be today's post.

You can certainly see what a craftsperson Justin is!!!!!!
If you've ever searched through my blog, you would have come across a few of my "restorations". 
Mine were very simple, so I can really appreciate what Justin has done from what was a "total wreck"to start off with!

I'll ask Justin if he does restorations for other people, or 
he just prefers to restore toys out of the pleasure that he gets. 

I hope that most of you have received your Covid-19 vaccinations, as well as the booster.  Up here in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), our hospitals are filled to capacity with people who have got sick from the virus. Worst of all, there are close to 12,000 hospital workers of all professions who are at home from either having got the virus or are just overcome with the virus, stress, or sadness from the people who have passed on.

As always,
Thanks for dropping by
And have a great day, wherever you may be.

You can always reach me at: