Thursday, November 28, 2024

A Nice Wyandotte Sedan and Trailer

Thursday, November 28, 2024
Overcast with rain
34° F / 1° C

A Nice Wyandotte Sedan & Trailer
from hotdog explosion on ebay

In yesterday's post, I introduced you to a fine ebay seller whose store name is 
hotdog explosion. I found Charles' website by doing a search, and found a store with 
lots of nice toys, and excellent photography.  Better still, Charles takes a large number
of photographs in order to present each toy with all its'  details; top, sides, and bottom.

The use of a white base also  adds additional light to the darker-toned parts of the toys, bringing out the detail well. Of course, it makes my writing  a post all the more easier. 
I don't have to use Adobe Photoshop to bring out the detail in dark shadows, or to make "hotspots"  darker, in order to show the detail best.

For today's post, I selected a pair of toys.
They were manufactured by the Wyandotte Company.

The Wyandotte Company was an American company that started
in 1920, with production lasting from 1920-1956. The owners who started 
the company were Mr.George Stallings and Mr.William F. Schmidt.
The company produced many different toys, included pressed steel toys 
such as the one that is shown today.


*Courtesy of Charles from hotdog explosion on ebay.

"This is a truly wonderful find ! Released 76 years ago in 1938, this is the pre-war (WWII)
Sedan and Travel Trailer set from Wyandotte. Vintage toy records/books identify the car as a Nash. This is the pressed steel set (No. 346)."

I like the way Charles presents the bus below.
His skill at laying out a page design is marvellous.

I may need to go to go back to university to
get a career in page design and advertising! 

So that's it for today. 

Thanks for dropping by and as always,
have a great part of the day or night, wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at: 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

A New Toy Store Discovery on eBay

Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Sunny with Clear Skies
2°C / 35° F

A Great New Toy Store 
on eBay

Writing a post is a not as simple as it seems. I have to give lots of credit and accolades
to all of the bloggers who write. It's hard work, and you always are thinking -
what am I going to write today? There are some bloggers who have been writing
 for many years, and some who just stopped after a few years. 

However, the hard work creates rewards, and mine are being able
to reach out and find great new discoveries in toys and people.

A few days ago, I did a search, and then decided to check out ebay.
I searched the site, and then found a very interesting store name 
the attracted my attention.

The name of the store is:

hotdog explosion

With a great name like that,  
you certainly can't skip going to visit the store,
and that's what I did.

I had a short visit, and I knew right away,
 that this store and person
would help me write my next blog post.

The owner's names Charles, and he allowed me to write about his store and him.
Charles' reputation on ebaexcellent, and his photography is excellent. Not 
only that, but there are lots and lots of photos for each item listed for sale.

This post is an introduction to Charles, and his store 
hotdog explosion

When I have the timely next post will be about other "discoveries" on Charles' store.

Each of Charles' listings comes with a thorough 
and well-written description and includes the dimensions.

The metric dimensions are:
9.71 cm x 3.17 cm x 4.45 cm

I knew the size of this toy was small when I read the description at the beginning.
However, when I went to the last photo, I was smiling. Charles'
excellent photos were so good, that I forgot that I was looking at
a very small toy.

When I saw the Budweiser can of beer, I was pleasantly smiling.
In my mind, the truck was large, but next to the Bud aluminum can of beer,
the toy was small.

Of course, the toy could have been big,
 and the Bud can gigantic!

Sometimes, a small laugh is all the incentive and motivation that I need
 to keep on writing this blog,  and the pleasure that I receive keeps me going.

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
andI can always be reached at

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday, November 24, 2024
3° C / 37.4 ° F
Sunny with some clouds

A New Visit to Little Nemo Auction House 

I've been looking at old written posts, 
and then deciding whom I will write about again.

I came across a recent post that I wrote on March 18, 2024.  It's quite recent , being a mere 8 1/2months ago. But when I returned to the Little Nemo Auction House, I knew that I would be writing another post for this exceptional site on Liveauctioneers and for the owner of this company.

What's unique about this site, is that it is written in 2 languages,  
English & Italian.

The auction took place on March 21,2024,  and can be found 
on the Liveauctioneers website by clicking on the linebelow:

There were several toys of which I never heard of the name of their manufacturer.
So if you're interested in new discoveries, you might want to visit this past auction.

As for myself, I might even contact some European auctions, 
now that I just remembered that Liveauctioneers  also has links to Europe.  

I decided to write the written description in both English and Italian
out of courtesy for the owners of this company and,
as well, for the people who live in Italy or speak Italian.

Description for the above Horse and Cart

Ditta Gobbato, Milan, 1990 ca. Cm 65 h 24. Cavallo in latta litografata,
orecchie in tessuto pelo, carretto in legno con ruote metalliche, Automa di
elevata complessitã, brevettato in Italia, realizzato, con sofisticata techniche 
di industializzazione e di lavorazione artigianale. Allegato documento di
registrazione della ditta. Un esemplare simile é esposto al Museo del
Cavallo Giocattolo di Grandate (Como).Funzionate dopo un intervento di
restauro sukka meccanica, documemenato fotograficamente. Spettacolare e raro.

Automaton tin lithographed toy produced inItaly about 1935.
Working after restoration.Generally good condition. Extremely rare.

Description for the above race car

Latta  litografata, Italia,1936. Meccaniamo a molla con chiavetta integrata,
funzionate. Cm 23 x 9 x 6. 

Lithographed tin, Italy, 1936. Spring-loaded mechanism with built-in key,
working.  23 x 9 x 6 cm.

Description for the above chauffeured car

Automobile con autista di latta litografata, Cardini Italia Modell0 38-1927.
Con meccanismo a molla, funzionante, chiavetta integrata. Cm 20 x 8 x 10.
Buono stato da esaminare.

Lithographed tin chauffeured car. Cardini Italia Model 38-1927. With spring
mechanism, working, integrated key. 10 x 8 x 10 cm.  

Description for the above piano player and piano

Automa con carillon, Francia, inizi 900. Latta panno e composito 
cm 15 x 15 x 5 ca. Bueno stato, funzionante conchiavetta incorporata.

Automata with carillon, France, early '900 (1900). Cloth and composite tin,
cm 15 x 15.5 approx. Good condition, working through  built-in-key.

Description for the above ferris wheel

Giostrina in latta litografata con meccanismo a molla funzionante Ingap
Italia 1932. Altezza 15 cm. 

Lithographed tin, with working spring mechanism, Ingap Italia 1932.
Height 15 cm. 

Description for the above Distler toy car

In latta verniciata, marca Distler, Made in Western Germany, anni '60.
Funzionamento a pile, da revisionare. Cm 25 x 11 x 8. completa di instruzioni.

Made of painted tin, Distler brand, Made in Western Germany, 60's, battery-operated
operation, 25 x 11 x 8 cm. Complete with instructions

Description for the above Marchesini Company toy car

Ditta Marchesini, Bologna Italia,1954. Latta verniciata. Cm 26 x 11 x 9
Meccanismo a mola e carillon. In confezione originale figurata.

Marchesini Company, Bologna, Italy, 1954. Painted tin, 26 x 11 x 9 cm.
Working spring mechanism and music box.

Ditta Ingap, Italia anni '40. Latta verniciata, completo di fattorino e cassone
apribile. Cm 13 meccanismo a molla funzionate. In buono stato, guidatore 
in pasta restaurato professionalmente.

Ingap Company, Italy '40's. Painted tin, complete with delivery man,
13 cm, working spring mechanism. Professionally restored  driver.

Description for the above soccer players set

Nazionale Italiana figurine in Latta Pubblicitarie.Lotto composto da 8
figurine si calciatori in latta litografata cm5, pubblicitarie confetture
Imperia Milano, Anni '30. Banchero, Bertolino, Cattaneo, Colombari,
Constantino, Ferrari, Ferrari e Pitto. 

Lot consisting of 8 footballers' stickers in lithographed tin 5 cm, advertising
jams Imperia Milano, 30's. Banchero, Bertolino, Cattaneo, Colombari,
Costantino, Ferrari, Ferrair, and Pitto. 

So that's it for today. I most certainly enjoyed writing this blog post.
There were plenty of toys that I had not seen before, or knew the name 
of the manufacturer. I think also (in all seriousness) that typing in Italian 
helps your memory!

When you have to remember the word "industializzazione" an 18-letter 
word, you most-certainly start to exercise your brain in trying to remember 
all those letters without going back to look at the word. 

And I also learned to add special accents over the letter Ã£ and Ã©.
Of course, living in Quebec, we also have accents in French, but I seldom 
type in French.

So that's it for today.

I most-certainly had a great time writing this blog post,
and I hope you will also.

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and I can always be reached at

and my name is:

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

Monday, November 18, 2024

Check The Oil Promotions

Monday, November 18, 2024
Overcast and Cool
9° C / 48 ° F

Check The Oil Promotions

I was browsing through LiveAuctioneers last week, when I came across a very interesting company, by the name of  Check The Oil Promotions, LLC

 What I found interesting were the toys that they had up for auction. There were many toys, and some of them were from companies that I had never heard of or came across after 14 years of blogging. I was exalted and excited at the same time. Also, some of the toys were from the 1950's, and I've written very little on toys from that era. Moreover, the photography 
was excellent, and the descriptions were well written.

I contacted the company by email, and got permission from Mr. Andy Hussar.
His company is truly a multi-level business that sells many different types of merchandise related to the oil industry, as well as toys, and even automobile memorabilia from eras long past.If I had more time, I would write about other collectibles, especially relating to cars and trucks!

"Check the Oil specializes in selling Gas & Oil Advertising including gas pumps, globes, signs, oil cans, and much more. Along with advertising sales, Check the Oil proudly offers Automobilia, including radiator mascots, emblems, hood ornaments, literature and more. Annually, we run a dozen online only sales selling thousands of authentic collectibles at no reserve!"


That most certainly is a lot of work to manage for a company, as well as having piqued (perked) my interest.

I spent a lot of time searching for the Chiko toy company, 
but it was hard to find much information on the company.

The Schieble Toy and Novelty Company was an American company 
that ran from 1909-1931. If you go to hobby db, you can find lots of information about this company, as well as many other companies.

I never heard of the Ted Toy company before, 
so I did a fast search and found a link to this company.
The company that provided information about the Ted Toy company is called "oldwoodtoys",
 and there is a lot of information about wood toys.
This website is a great resource for wooden toy collectors.


The Nomura toy company also known by the initials TN (Toys Nomura)
began in Japan in 1923. They made many toys from tin. 

The Nomura toy company, also known by the letters TN (Toys Nomura) was founded in 1923. They started to make tin toys, and became  very successful after WWII.They produced lots of colourful toys that attracted many to buy them.

So that's all for today.

I was elated to get the permission from Mr. Andy Husser, 
and seeing these toys from a more modern era 
was a like "a breath of fresh air".

I hope you enjoyed this post as I did in writing it.

So thanks for visiting, and as always,
have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening,
wherever you are.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at

Sunday, November 17, 2024

A Very Rare Buddy L Prototype Insurance Patrol w/ Box

Sunday, November 17, 2024
Clouds with Sun
10° C / 50° F

A Very Rare Buddy L Prototype
Insurance Patrol w/ Box

I've been blogging since January 19, 2011, and what I originally liked from Milestone Auctions was their clean and neat photography.  Soft and diffused lighting is used, and the item (s) for sale are placed on a white base and background (seamless paper).

The owner of  Milestone Auctions is Mr. Miles King, and it was he personally who wrote back and gave me his permission to write about his fine company and to use his photos on my blog.

Whenever I'm adding a blog post, I like to visit either the website or the auction site where a collector or a company is selling their merchandise. I start by go through the list of 1629 posts (this post will be the 1630th), and see who I haven't written a post for in a while. 

When I chose Milestone Auctions today,  I was very surprised 
and excited to see a toy that was unique. The description was very exciting 
for myself,  but I'll let you decide. It's not often that you see a toy going to 
auction that is the prototype and was never chosen to be mass produced. 

I wonder why not?

Item Details


"Only known example of the Insurance Patrol with Headlights and Bumper.
Still has Factory Prototype Tag that says "205 C 1928 9 LBS". Truck came
from the Buddy L Morgue Sale. All original with near mint paint and decals.
Still has pull cord and Buddy L tag.This truck was never put into production.
A wonderful addition to even the most advanced collection.
Comes with original Buddy L Box with Blue Stripe Paper. This toy sold at the
Buddy L  Morgue Auction for around $ 40,000. One of the most important
Buddy L Toys there is. 27" Near Mint."

(27" = 68.58 cm)

Thanks for dropping by.

My name is Mr. Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at