Saturday, August 31, 2024

Mr.Robert Newson - Post # 2

Saturday, August 31, 2025
Overcast with Rain
70° F /  21 ° C

Mr. Robert Newson 
(Post # 2)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about Mr. Robert Newson. I had discovered his 
excellent and most-informative website, and had received his permission to write a post.
You can spend weeks on his website learning about all kinds of toys.
Not only are the photos well done, but the information is encyclopaedic in nature. 

Below:  The 3 images below are from the Charbens catalogue.
The photos are from the 1955 catalogue.

The  British company was founded 
by Mr. Charles and Benjamin Reid in North London (Holloway).

This is one of many British toy manufacturers that you won't find about in North America.
It's always interesting to see toys that were made outside of North America.

The green catalogue is from 1960,
while the red and white one is from 1962.

Some Post-War Charbens & Co. 
(made in England) 

Above: Post-War Aircraft
Bristol Blenheim Bomber
Length 87 mm ( 3.425 inches)

Hawker Hurricane
Length: 76 mm (3 inches)

  Charben's Petrol Tanker
Length: 100 mm ( 3.94 inches)
Late 1940's (after WWII)

Not only does Robert have a great website, but he doesn't mind
providing. you with many addresses of other toy websites.

Below:  A list of other websites about toy site.
The list varies from toy clubs, toy websites, magazines, 
personal sites of you collectors, fairs (exhibitions and sales),
and even museums.

I've written a short post today,
but when I have more time and energy, 
I'll add more information to this post.

As always,
Thanks for visiting.

My name is Mr. Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:


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