Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Old Happy Memories of Toy Motors for Boats

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Sunny with Clear Skies
27° C  / 81° F

Old Happy Memories of
Toy Motor Boat Motors

I'm very grateful to all of the people and companies who have helped me with writing my blog. Mr. Dan Morphy is one of those fine people
and I am alway s elated whenever I find one of his "treasures" going up to auction.

My name is Mr.Stacey Bindman and I was brought up with 2 fine parents Ida and Carl Bindman. There were 4 children including myself
back in the 1950's and early 1960's, and each summer we would would go to a place called Mississquoi Bay, Quebec.The closest city is Venise,
and it is on a bay, which is part of Lake Champlain. The small town was about 60 miles from Burlington Vermont (U.S.A.)

My parents were very hard-working people in Montreal
who catered for weddings and other events, and summer was a time, where they did not have to work. The time was very short, but to copy a term "it was the best of times" from Charles Dickens (A tale of Two Cities", it most truly was!

My father's hobby was fishing, and  when he was young, he would 
go to Mississquoi Bay , where he knew  a family by the name of Roy.

There was Gordon, Margaret, and their two daughters Phyllis and Joyce. Mr Roy's father was a farmer, and Gordon inherited the land and business.Eventually, he changed professions, and became a
provider of bait, boats, and motors for fishermen.

So each summer, for about 6 weeks, we went there, where we rented one of Mr. Roy's summer cottages.My aunt Sylvia and Uncle Sam also returned a cottage with us.


The arrow is pointing to the small town of Venise, Quebec
It is on Baie Mississquoi (Mississquoi Bay) which is part of
Lake Champlain

Lake Champlain is a large lake that lies both in the Province of Quebec (Canada) and the state of Vermont (U.S.A.)
That is where we went in the summer.


An enlargement of the above map.

Being a fisherman was in my father's blood, and he loved to fish. This "hobby" was the best way that he knew in order to relax from his business, and for the 6 weeks, he relaxed and enjoyed the short time
of the summer, with my mother, his sister and brother-in-law, their children, and us.

Originally, he had purchased his own motor - a Johnson & Johnson
4 horsepower motor (circa 1950's). As the family business prospered, he eventually bought an outboard Scott Motor and a fiberglass boat.

My father's small motor was a Johnson motor, 
probably less that 5 horsepower.

Now getting back to small motorboat motors that you see above,
they are about 3" (7.62 cm) tall and were battery-operated.  You don't see these collectibles very often, but I'm sure they are much in demand.

If you click on the above purple line, you will re-direct to the actual pasr auction of these exceptional small motorboat motors.  There are many more listings that just the one that I've presented today.

So that's it for today.

If you are a fisherman (or fisher in today's language) 
try getting out on the weekend to go fishing.

It's  great for relaxing!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and if you have any questions, or
would like me to wrote a blog post about 
you and your toys,
please feel free to write to me.

My e-mail address is:


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