Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Snow, rain and seasonally warm

Snow, rain and seasonally warm
A Surprise from a
Lincoln Toy Person
I forgot to check my Google gmail today, so I just did that. I had a surprise. Mr. Joseph Katzenback had written to say that he had inherited a play set of Lincoln toys from his late father. Would I be interested in adding this to my blog? I wrote back right away and said yes, of course.
Lincoln Toys was a Canadian toy company in the 1950's and early 1960's and produced well-made trucks and farm toys. The toys were produced by a company called Milner Metal Products of Windsor & Tilbury, Ontario, Canada. For those who don't know, Windsor Salt (A large salt company in Canada) is in, of course, Windsor Ontario.

Boxes always make any collectible more valuable, and even the box that Joseph has is in very good shape. For myself, I like the artwork illustration on the top.
THe photo below shows that the toys look as if they were never played with - at least outdoors.
Now this is a "real find" for anyone collecting!
The next few photos were nicely presented on the tabletop for the photos.
The orange tool is a tiller. Thanks to Bob Walden ( a reader of my blog) I now know what the grey and red implements are.
The grey item is a planter for seeds, while the red item is called a drag harrow.
It's for cleaning and levelling the soil.
The grey item is a planter for seeds, while the red item is called a drag harrow.
It's for cleaning and levelling the soil.
I am always amazed at seeing toys from 50-60 or more years ago in such great shape.
And I'm surre Joseph has someone to pass on this "treasure" to be in this same condition for another 50 years.
So that's it for this raining and snowing day!
Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman
The grey implement is a planter and the red implement is a drag harrow for cleaning and leveling soil.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for sharing what those 2 farm implements are.
Have a nice day,
Stacey Bindman
(Writer of this blog)
Sold on ebay. 02/07/16. I was in it most of the week, but not being a tractor guy, opted out of the bids at the last hour, preferring to keep investing in the trucks. Great item, probably never see another in that condition. Congrats to the new owner. Look after it. :)
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