Wednesday, February 26, 2025
-1° C /30 F
Sunny and Damp
Introducing the
Buddy L Steel Toy Collection
I'd been to this wonderful website a fews years ago, but never decided to ask
for permission to write a blog post. A few days ago, I was searching for the
site, and I found it. I browsed the site, and I remembered how fascinated by this website when I first discovered it.
I wrote a note to the owner of the site, and within a few days, I got a reply
from Mr. John Riley. It's coincidental that John lives in Vermont (U.S.A.), which is an American State that borders Quebec (Canada). I have fond memories of Vermont, because when I was young, my parents, my grandmother, brothers and sister, my aunt, uncle and cousins would vacation in St. Albans Bay, Vermont.
I received Mr. Riley's permission to write a post for him, and use his excellent photography. His website is an excellent website resource for learning about the Buddy L Toy Company. However, when I had browsed John's website, I
found a section of his site that moved me!
The section was for Buddy L wood toys, which was an anomaly (something different from the standard or normal). I thought "wood toys"
from a toy steel manufacturer? Now that's most certainly different,
and I had to investigate.
When I redirected to the section on the wood toys,
I had to stop after reading the first 4 words:
"During World War II".
I immediately knew what John was going to write and. I was very moved.
You can read the what he wrote in the screen-capture photo below. That will help
you understand why wood toys were made during 1941-1945 in the USA,
and most likely, the rest of the world.
Please read the paragraph below for the explanation:
I've never come across Buddy L wood toys, but I've written several posts on
these fine pressed steel toy. So finding Buddy L wood toys was both eye-opening
and a great discovery.
for these special toys. As soon as I have time, I will add the descriptions
for these toys.
It's easy to forget that these fine toys were manufactured during extremely hard times. As well, children still needed something to take their young minds away from the hardships of those years. It's sometimes hard to realize that
those times, more than 80 years ago, are memories of mine from reading books.
How the times flies.....
Thanks for dropping by, and as always,
have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening
wherever you may be.
My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at: