Wednesday, January 14, 2025
Overcast and Damp
-14° C / 8° F
"Little Wheels"
Come With
An Exceptional Website
I had written a post for "Little Wheels" a few weeks ago and decided to say hello in a letter, and ask for a renewed "OK" to write more blog posts for the owner. Within a very short timeframe, I received a very nice letter from Andrew, the owner of "Little Wheels"
He opened the reply with his giving me his permission to write about his site,
and use his photos.
He wrote very well, and when I read his reply, I was euphoric.
His exceptional website
"has grown a lot since 2016 and now has more than 10,000 pages, in addition
to the pages about vintage toys fromDinky, Corgi, and Matchbox. We now have features about such things as TV & Movie models. I even have a page about cars of
World leaders going back to horse-drawn carriages used by the Pope in the 19th century and coming back to date with King Charles' Aston Martin.
The biggest changes recently have been to the Matchbox pages, which have been considerably expanded and enhanced; this process is nearly, but was put on hold
while I sold my model car dealing business. I hope to get back to work on it.
Dinky Toys is next up for revision.
Good Luck with your blog,
Kind regards,
By now, I've learned that "you can't judge a book by its' cover". There were headings on the top of the opening page, and so I started to click on one of the titles, and behold, lots of photos with titles on different topics. I clicked on one of the titles, and up popped the page with sub-headings. I clocked on one of the sub-headings, and more sub-headings.
What came to mind was the movie "Jaws", when the late fine actor Roy Scheider sees the gargantuan shark and says "You better get a bigger boat!" What also came to mind is
"never judge a book by its' cover", another well-known metaphorical phrase. The Little Wheels website turned out to be a "treasure"
So I clicked on one sub-heading, then another, and I knew I had found a treasure of a site.
The company owned by Mr. Andrew Wood, began its' business in 2011. Andres has
worked very hard to create this fine website and library resource for anyone
wanting to learn about "Little Wheels". The name is most-appropriate as the company
sells only small toys.
An Introduction to "Little Wheels"
Andrew is always looking to purchase toy collections
When I came to this section of Andrew's website I was awestruck.
Andrew's website is an exceptional site.If you ever need to find out
about the "little wheels" , this is definitely the website to go to
and learn and see all about them.
This part of Andrew's website has videos.
These videos are well narrated, and are interesting to watch.
These videos are on YouTube
I like the choice of photo that Andrew used for the title:
"What's in the Van"
(Andrew's weekly trips in the van to source new stock)
The page below is the opening page that
was written to one of several small toy vehicle manufacturers.
It's well-written, and you can fine out lots of information.
This post is short in length, as I don't want to give the whole story away.
But when you venture over to Andrew's website, you will have
a very enjoyable time.
So that's it for today, on a milder, but very damp day.
Thanks for dropping by, and please have a look at Andrew's website.
You'll be pleasantly elated for visiting!
Thanks for dropping by, and as always
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at: