Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Huge Case of Using Other People's photos without their permission

Sunday, May 12, 2024
Sun with Cloud
15.5°C / 60° F

A Huge Case of Using Other People's Photos 
without their  Permission

You're probably wondering why I've put huge copyright notices on the 6 photos above.

Maybe I'm "going overboard" but I'm very upset, and so, 
have I got a story to tell you!

I was doing a search on the Internet last week for my photos, 
when I noticed that a few of people's images and mine as well, were being used without anyone's permission. I don't want to mention any companies that have mega amounts of images, videos, and so forth, but that's where they are!

When I ask people and companies if I may use their photos, I always add a 
Copyright notice © 2024, as well as a note asking people to ask the owner of the photo(s)  for his/her permission.  However, this did not happen! Those photos I just mentioned were on these websites "carte-blanche"!

I have the trust of kind individuals and companies, and I was very upset.

In one case, my photos and those of someone whom I'd had the permission to use photos,
were being used to sell toys with my photos as well as those of another.  
Obviously, they do not have those toys to sell! 

Naturally, I was very upset, so I contacted 3 American Photo website sources 
where my photos are shown and displayed. These sites advertise
to have people place their photos there.

In all 3 cases, 
there were different "reasons" why nothing could or would be done:

1. They couldn't  or won't  do anything 
(such as remove them and notify those who used them).

2. Because I was using people's photos who allowed me to use them.
I could not ask one of these photo "Titans" to remove the photo on their 
website. I would have to contact the person or company who gave me permission to use
the photo, and they would have to write to the photo "Titan"

3. Because I am in Canada, they can't do anything. The "3 Titans" are in the U.S.A.

4. In one case, the place where the photos were being used is not in North America,
so it's not under their jurisdiction.

5. I asked for one of these photo-gathering sites to remove 
my photos that were being posted by people who were using my
photos "without permission"and the site said they won't.

6. I also e-mailed the Copyright Office of the USA, but I'll have to wait 
for a reply from them (if at all).

6. I even contacted the FBI, but they didn't even answer my letter. A
day later I got a letter asking how did they do. 

I told them, how could I answer that, when you didn't do anything!

I'm willing to bet that this using other people's photos without permission
 happens more often that anyone realizes.

So this is my blog post for today. My apologies if I'm slightly irritated, but 
I can't believe to what extent, there are no laws, or nobody willing to contact these sites, or to take down those photos on those mega-sized photo sites and so forth.

Also, if you go to these photo-collecting websites, you won't believe what they can do or not do with your photos. On one site, the 12 pages of the copyright laws and their "rules" are very "soft", and your photos may and can be used under the 
USA copyright Laws ("Fair Dealing").

Do a search for 
"Can my photos on the Internet be used by other people"?

Hey, what can I say?

Always "read the fine print".

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

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