Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Big Thank-You for Reading My Blog

Saturday, May 18, 2024 
18° C / 65° F
Starting Overcast,
Possibly Sunny Later Today

A Big Thank You for 
Visiting My Blog
(as well as contributing to my blog)

My first post was on January 19, 2011
Today is May 18,2024

Today marks the 14th year that I've been writing.
I am reminded about blogging from the movie Forrest Gump
with Tom Hangs in the lead.One of his lines was when 
he was sitting on a bench waiting for the bus.

"My Mamma always said, Life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what ya gonna get"

And so it is with my blog.

If you ever read my first post, I happened to get into blogging by accident.
I was a "regular" morning visitor at Tim Horton's 
(the equivalent of Dunkin Donuts in the USA).

One day, a woman regular brought in 2 perfect sets of
Meccano Sets (A British toy manufacturer that made construction toys. 
They were in perfect condition and she knew her toys!

I ended up buying them for around $ 225.00 Canadian
($163.03 USA Dollars), and then sold them (I think on ebay) 
after taking lots of photos. 

My blog has reached the 1,000,000 mark(1,029,456) but Google Blogger doesn't seem to want to tell me is that number in people visits
They identify the number as page views! 

My first blog post
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A screen-capture from today 
May 18, 2024

And so, I wanted to  thank each and every one of you who has ever visited my blog.
You have motivated me to keep writing, and I have never tired of doing so.

So thank you all, and please note that I am always ready to write a blog post for you, It's thanks to you that I am able to continue writing.

And thank you to all of the companies  and their owners who have also
allowed me to use their photos, and to write about them.

In closing, I'll add my "regular line".

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night, 
wherever you may be.


(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

Montreal,Quebec, Canada,

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