Saturday, August 31, 2024

Mr.Robert Newson - Post # 2

Saturday, August 31, 2025
Overcast with Rain
70° F /  21 ° C

Mr. Robert Newson 
(Post # 2)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about Mr. Robert Newson. I had discovered his 
excellent and most-informative website, and had received his permission to write a post.
You can spend weeks on his website learning about all kinds of toys.
Not only are the photos well done, but the information is encyclopaedic in nature. 

Below:  The 3 images below are from the Charbens catalogue.
The photos are from the 1955 catalogue.

The  British company was founded 
by Mr. Charles and Benjamin Reid in North London (Holloway).

This is one of many British toy manufacturers that you won't find about in North America.
It's always interesting to see toys that were made outside of North America.

The green catalogue is from 1960,
while the red and white one is from 1962.

Some Post-War Charbens & Co. 
(made in England) 

Above: Post-War Aircraft
Bristol Blenheim Bomber
Length 87 mm ( 3.425 inches)

Hawker Hurricane
Length: 76 mm (3 inches)

  Charben's Petrol Tanker
Length: 100 mm ( 3.94 inches)
Late 1940's (after WWII)

Not only does Robert have a great website, but he doesn't mind
providing. you with many addresses of other toy websites.

Below:  A list of other websites about toy site.
The list varies from toy clubs, toy websites, magazines, 
personal sites of you collectors, fairs (exhibitions and sales),
and even museums.

I've written a short post today,
but when I have more time and energy, 
I'll add more information to this post.

As always,
Thanks for visiting.

My name is Mr. Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:


Thursday, August 22, 2024

A Fine Set of Board Games from Z & k Antiques

Thursday, August 22, 2024
Mixed rain and overcast
17° C / 63° F

A Fine Set of Board Games
Z & k Antiques

Yesterday, I wrote a short post to show you a different item that Z & k Antiques had.
The 2 owners whom I introduced yesterday have a great website, along with great photography.
Both of the 2 owners, Bob Zordani and Heidi Keliner are multi-talented and skilled people.
They not only do their own excellent photography (Heidi does),but they are also knowledgeable and skilled to have created their well-crafted website, design and all.

I've never written a post about board games, but I do remember having board games at home.
I had a checkers game, a chess game, Clue, and  of course - Monopoly. I'm sure every kid growing up then and now has had their parents buy board games for them.

I remember an old slogan from American Television. It was an add for the 
Yellow Pages from a U.S. telephone Company that read "Let your fingers do the walking".
It was created by "Stephen Baker, an advertising art director with Cunningham & Walsh"*
(* Written by Mr. Julio Rivera on Quora)

You're probably why I wrote the above paragraph.

The Answer:

Bob Zordani and Heidi Keliner created a great site for what they sell.
It's well written, the toys (and other items) are well-researched for descriptions of toys,
the photography is excellent, and the website design is marvellous!

Now if I could find out who wrote the term "one-stop shopping??????"

As always,
thanks for dropping by.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be reached at:

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

An Exceptional Antique Dealer (with toys of course!)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Lots of rain
15° C / 59° C

An  Exceptional Antique Dealer
(with toys of course!)


No, you aren't on the wrong website.
I decided to re-introduce you to zandkantiques.

Over the years, I've had the pleasure to write about the company and their 2 owners.
And so for today, I had one of those "Eureka Moments"
For those who don't know, a "Eureka Moment" is 
" A moment of sudden, triumphant discovery, inspiration, or insight" *

I decided to write a special post for today. This post is about zandkantiques, and their owners. The company is an exceptional antique dealer whom I've written about before. It's owned by Bob Zordani and Heidi Keliner, and is located in Lexington,Virginia, U.S.A. I telephoned them today, and got to speak with Bob Zordani. I wanted to compliment them on their excellent website,  and of course, with the fine toys and other items that they always have for sale. Both Bob and Heidi are multi-talented people, and Heidi even photographs the items that are shown on their website.

What's also interesting is that their website  and company have been created with the multi-talents that they both have.  The website, the photography, and all of the other skills that Bob and Heidi have, have all been used to create their beautiful website.

Although very fine old and antique toys are sold, there are many other fine
items always for sale on their website.  
I decided to select this majestic weather vane as an example to illustrate 
what else Bob and Heidi have for sale.

It's a majestic weathervane circa 1909.
"It measures approximately 34.25" High (including the museum stand)
x 32" Length x 7.5: Deep (wide)."

So that's it for today.

I intentionally kept  the post brief, and hope you'll visit this fine website.

Of course, I'll be working on their toy post tomorrow, 
and you'll be able to see it in a few days. 

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night, 
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at : 


Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Very Exceptional Website About Toys

A Very Exceptional 
Website about Toys

I'd seen this site that I'm writing many times before, and  I even thought 
that I had written to the owner to ask for his permission.  But with all my searching, I couldn't find the post, nor any e-mails.

So I wrote to Mr. Robert Newson last week to ask for his permission to write about his encyclopaedic website with exceptional information and superbly written. I received an answer in short time., and even Robert thought that I had written him way back!

 I have to apologize to Robert, for having made such a big error. 

Below are a trio of screen-captures. 
I was having trouble trying to enlarge the original screen-captures,
and that's why the images will appear small on your computer monitor.

However, whenever you click on an image (photo),
the photo will enlarge for a much better view. 

"Large fire engine with double ladders and three firemen 
(advertised March, April, and November 1948)
Note the small ladder wheels on the earliest version (same wheels as on the small fire engine),
and the late version with open wheel arches.
The white hose is original, the black hose is not. The Morestone fire engine with bell
(and sometimes a clock motor) is a similar design but slightly larger. Sam Morris (of Morris & Stone) told me that his fire engine was made in a factory at Waltham Cross, but perhaps Samuel Agasee made the dies?

I don't think that there are awards for the best website, or even
a category for the "best toy website of past times".However, if I was a judge on a panel, 
I definitely would be voting for Mr. Robert Newson!

I've been writing my blog since January 19, 2011, and I can't even imagine
the determination, hard work and fortitude that Robert has put into 
his website.

I am always very honoured to be able to
write posts about the toys, people, and websites that
I have been allowed to write about.

But this website stands out for its' passing on a plethora ( a very large amount)
of historic information about toys that is of benefit to anyone
who collects toys or is interested in toys.

Thank you Mr. Robert Newson.

As always, thanks for dropping by.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

An Exceptional Grouping of Meccano Toys up for Auction from Milestone Auctions

Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Sunny and hot
22° C / 71.6° F

An Exceptional  Group
of Old Meccano Airplanes

I was browsing for toys on LiveAuctioneers, when I came across a wonderful grouping of old Meccano airplanes.These beautiful planes will be part of a Milestone Auctions auction on LiveAuctioneers. That auction will start on August 24, 2024.

There is a nice grouping of toys, but my attention was focussed on the Meccano toys, with most of the listings of finished toys (no kits shown). I'm partial to Meccano, because that's how I started my blog, some 14 years ago!

Original Bi-Wing Sea Plane
Width: 18" (45.7 cm)

Original Bi-Wing Sea Plane
Width: 20" (50.8 cm)

Large Meccano Ford Tri-Motor Sea Plane
Width (wingspan) 20" (50.8 cm) x Length (14 1/2" (36.8 cm)
Pressed steel with cast iron motors

Original Bi-Wing Sea Plane
Width: 20" (50.8 cm) wingspan x 18" (45.7 cm) length

If you take a look at this auction, you'll see plenty of nice finished Meccano airplanes, as well as a fabulous collection of Schuco toys.

I'm saddened when someone sells a collection that they have amassed over many years. On the other hand, these toys will find their ways into many different homes, and will again be enjoyed over time.

That's what collecting is all about!

So that's it for today.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and as always,
have a great part of the morning, afternoon, or evening, wherever
you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman,
and I can always be reached at: