Saturday, July 20, 2024

Anyone Experiencing New Blogger Problems or Google Problems?

Saturday, July 20, 2024
26° C / 79° F @ 5:00 P.M.
Clouding Over With Rain

Anyone Experiencing New Blogger Problems or Google Problems?

In the last couple of weeks, I've been experiencing "Blogger or Google Issues".

Problem # 1

When I try to sign in and if I can actually sign in, 
I started getting the screen-capture below:

What are "necessary cookies" all of a sudden, and what exactly does  Google want?
I have never had this problem before since I started blogging 14 years ago!

I can't continue with my blog writing, so I've gone to Safari, entered my Blog URL (address), and worked  was able to work on my blog that way.

Problem # 2

The second problem (below) has been happening for the last 3 weeks.
When I type in "", I get the screen-capture below:

I don't know what they mean by "choose another account".
So what I've done is to use Safari as my search engine, and sign in from there.
that works!

Problem #3

Now if I can actually use Google and sign in, 
I cannot "upload from computer" any photos.
Clicking on "upload from computer" does nothing,
and I cannot start writing the blog, and adding photos.

So what I do to solve the problem, is to use Safari 
and simply drag the photos from my desktop to  the open blog post. 

That is how I added the images in this post. 

So if someone reads this post, could you please write to me at:

and tell me:

1. Why all of a sudden are cookies needed?

2.What are those cookies and what will they be used for by Google?

3. Why am I having problems uploading photos to my latest new blog post?

4. Is anyone else experiencing these problems?

5. Is there an actual web URL address for Blogger, 
whereby I can ask questions and have them answered by a "live real person"
and not spend hours on the 'Net to try and find an answer?

6. Is there someone out there who has a blog about Blogger?

Thanks, as usual, for dropping by
and have a great part off the morning, daytime, or evening,
wherever you may be.

Thanking you in advance,

(Mr.) Stacey Bindman

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