Monday, August 3, 2020

Information Needed About a Nice Tethered Car

Sunday, August 2, 2020
Overcast, rain, with thunderstorms
26 C  79 F

Information Needed About
A Fine Old Tethered Car

There's an expression that says "when it rains, it pours". What it means is that when you have a problem or incident, many more will follow. My "problems" are very minuscule (very small) in proportion to this to this horrific Corona-19 virus. My new computer (It's actually old) was given to me by my brother. I'm having issues with the computer (hard drives), freezing of the screen, etc. Also, the program Blogger decided to create a "new and improved" software, that is all but "new and improved". I went to the help center, and all comments to peoples posts have been disabled. I assume that the Blogger staff have decided that the new Blogger software is going to replace the older (better) version "come "heck" or high water"!

In any event, my small problems are very small compared to what has happened to the world over the last 5 months, so please excuse my very small "complaints".

I heard from a reader by the name of Mr. Federico Tinoco.
He has a nice old tethered race car.  A tethered model race car is one that is attached with a strong string. It is gasoline powered, and once started, it rotates around a round track, guided by the operator with the string.

Federico wanted someone to help him out with more information on this fine tethered car. 
So if anyone out there knows about this gas-powered car, would someone please e-mail me, so that
I can pass on the information to Federico.

My e-mail address is:
and I'm (Mr.) Stacey Bindman

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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