Sunday, August 2, 2020

Another Old Toy to Identify

Sunday, August 2, 2020
Overcast with Thunderstorms and Rain,
26 C 79 F

Update:  December 24, 2020

Hi Stacey,

It’s Bruce ______, a reader of your blog.   I found the car that you posted on August 2nd,  2020. 

It is made by American National, from Toledo Ohio.  The car is a Packard, made between the 20s-30’s.  An old value book I have lists it’s value at $1,000 or a bit more. 

Great news!
Have a nice holiday.   


Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since I added a new post. It's mostly due to lack of readership. It's hard to write when there are few people writing to me for answers to their toy ID, or trying to find new material to publish. My apologies to all of you who have followed me over the years.

About a month ago, I received an inquiry from Mr. Robert K. Klimt, Jr.  He has a nice toy, and wanted me to ID it. I couldn't, hence my writing this post to see if someone of my readers can help Robert and myself out.

This toy measures 26" x 13" x 14.5 " (Length x Width x Height). 
In metric, that is 660 mm x 330 mm x 368 mm.

In his own words:

"I have attached some photos of a toy car that belonged to my father.  He was born in 1921 and got this when he was three years old (for Christmas).  He would sit on the roof, push it around with his feet, and reach into the car to steer it with the steering wheel.

I was curious if you have seen anything like this before and if you think it has any value.  Just wanted to get your opinion and feedback if you don't mind the trouble.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Robert K. Klimt,Jr."

The car appears to be made of pressed steel, and perhaps has rubber tires.
If anyone out there can help out in identifying this nice toy, please do not hesitate to write.

I can always be reached at:

Changing subjects, I have to mention the terrible Covid-19 pandemic that is currently  a most dangerous and lethal disease. Up here in Canada, our municipal, provincial, and federal governments are working very hard  to try and prevent people from getting the disease or worse still - dying! There are people out there who believe they are immune from the disease or believe the disease is a hoax. Believe me, it is not!!!!!

Personally, My opinion is that this disease is going to get worse as the approaching fall (autumn) season approaches. However, the good news is that pharmaceutical companies around the world are working on vaccines. We can only hope that there will be a vaccine soon to help control the virus, and provide everyone with immunity to the disease.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones and friends!

I can always be reached at:

As always,

Have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

Stacey Bindman

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