Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020
8C (46.6 F)

Mr. Christopher Ferrone Sends me
a Christmas Present  in the Form of
His Latest Creation

     I haven't been posting for the longest time, so I was pleasantly surprised when Christopher Ferrone sent me his lastest creation. If you haven't read my blog, Christopher has sent me lots of his creations in 
the past. He happens to be the president of  Americoach Systems Inc. in Glenview, Illinois, USA.  He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering, so I can see where he gets his talent from.

He discovered my blog, and started to send me his marvelous toy creations, and so as they say "the rest is history". I don't know how he finds the time to create such fantastic work, but he does.  His latest work of art is a fire engine, and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

        As you can plainly see, his work is very exceptional. He's able to visualize what he wants to do, and from there, he goes along making his toys.  Sometimes he takes old toys and works with them, and at other times, he'll take an old toy and remodel it to what he has in mind.

So that's it for today.
I'm a bit rusty at writing, from not having posted in a while,
but I hope that in the New Year I will get back to writing.

I'm always happy to have people send me photos, along with a narrative about their creations or old toys that they have come upon.

 Please take care of yourselves and your family during these very difficult and trying times. It's not the time to let your guard down, and with several pharmaceutical companies now having been approved to make the Covid-19 vaccine, hopefully, we all will be vaccinated.

Time will only tell when all of us will have received the vaccine,
but there is a shing light at the end of the tunnel.

In closing, 
I would like to wish each and every one of you, my readers
a Merry Christmas, and a very healthy and Happy New Year.


Stacey Bindman
December 24, 2020

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