Sunday, March 2, 2014


Sunday,  March 2, 2014
            (Still cold and sunny!)


   Two weeks ago, I added a post about Facebook. I've reached the 100,000 page views per year milestone, but now  would like to expand my audience even more. I decided to join the "social media" and see if these sources could help. I'm now on LinkedinFacebook, and Twitter. What's interesting about each one is that they function differently from each other.  Your messages or ways of promoting yourself or introducing yourself have to unique and different from the other.

  For those who don't know, Twitter is more of a cellphone media, where people send messages called "tweets".  Each message cannot be more than 144 characters (letter, numbers or other keys on a keypad). At the beginning, I'd type things that I'm not sure are in the "official" Tweet dictionary. Nowadays, my message is short and sweet.

Above are 2 montages of Twitter logos.

I'm not user who can create a logo to include on their webpages, but there certainly are lots and ;lots of Twitter logos. Nowadays, when you visit a popular company or website, many companies may have as many as 4-8 logos from which you can find out about them or contact them. Whether or not this translates into increased business is another matter.

The above screen-capture is how my home page or opening page looks like.
If you look under my Taxi photo, you can see that I've only "tweeted" 32 times, and 1 person is following me, and 5 are followers. I'll have to research to see what the difference is between the 2.

Some people have 100K of tweets- their fingers must be sore!
Imagine sending 100,000 messages! Even if you're the world's fastest typer, that still takes a lot of time. I'm wondering if there are ways to tweet 500 people at a time?

Seriously though, what I like that is similar to Facebook is how the pages look on each of their respective sites. Nowadays, the theory and design of a page layout has transferred from magazine and books to the Internet, and in a relatively short time, has come a long way.

I like to send quality photos and good-sized ones. Te image above is how a person receiving my "tweet" would see the photo upon magnifying it with a "double-click".

* I've removed the Twitter addresses from the people who I sent messages to.

The last 2 screen-captures above are continuations of a page of tweets.As I mentioned, the visual design and impact of Twitter is quite impressive. I'm not sure how using this media works or how successful its going to be to increase people visiting my blog,but I have to try. After all, this is the 21st century! Naturally, I'll have to follow up with more posts in the future to tell you how I'm doing.  But for now,it's a learning experience, and it doesn't really take very much  time to send a few Tweets each day. But I'm never, ever, never going to send 100,000  of them - that's for sure!

Thanks for dropping by, 
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Please write to me anytime at:


tweet me @stacey bindman

* I couldn't resist the temptation!

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