Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fine Photography for selling Your Merchandise

Tuesday, March 4, 2013
  Very Cold and Sunny - Again!

Fine Photography for Selling 
Your Merchandise

   I didn't post yesterday. Sometimes you just don't feel like it, and I was busy with other things (to be posted, of course). I was still searching out my regular "haunts", when my eye was attracted to some nice photos on ebay. The photographs were excellent, but the seller was taking the photos in a limited space. As a result, you could see the sides and top of the special "lightbox" that  is used to photograph with.  For those who don't know, a lightbox has  3-5 sides  set up as a cube. The sides have metal frames so that diffused material can be added to he sides. These then "soften" light coming through them. This is an excellent way to photograph because the harshness of the light is reduced, and it's easier to photograph your items.

   I knew right away from the quality of the photos that with a little work, I could bring out the quality of the photography that Mr.  Gary Ulery had taken of his very noise toys. What I didm;t realize when I did the final touches by adding the copyright notices and the watermark (Gary's Name), just how excellent the photos would be! I only used Gary's name for the watermark,but Gary's wife Sandy also works together with Gary, and I'm sure does a lot of the hard work with Gary

THat's a great photo. I like the slight wide-angle effect, as well as hope the toy is presented.

The top photo shows you the lightbox, and the soft lighting that it creates. The bottom photo is my recent style of placing toys against white. As you can see, Gary does take a fine photo, and you'll see even more below.

Another great photo, with a longer focal length being used to compress the photo, and with some "selective focus" to concentrate on the truck.

What I liked best about the photography for this toy were the detail "shots" ( a slang word for photos). This particular toy is being offered at a higher price, and Gary did an excellent job in presenting all the features.

I left the curled paper in the photo. I never do any retouching on merchandise, but I thought with the clown and dog, the curled paper would add that "something extra" to the photo.

The fact that Gary & Sandra  make the most of  ebay, by taking many photos that  ebay  offers for free illustrates their hard work. They've sold lots of merchandise on ebay, and they have an excellent feedback record.  Their success goes hand-in-hand with their hard work!

We can see once again the "detail shots" that Gary and Sandra have taken to illustrate the features of this Hubley cast Iron fire truck.

 It's always nice to see the close-up of a toy. It's good for the sellers, because as the expression goes " a picture is worth a thousand words". By offering many photos, the bidder can see the toy features, as well as the condition of the toy.

I left some of the shadows in the photo, and exaggerated them with the photo-editing software.
But that great photography from the Ulerys is all theirs!

Thanks for visiting,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
Write to me anytime at:

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