Saturday, March 1, 2014

Some "Treasures" Re-released a Few at a Time

Saturday, March 1, 2014
     (Very cold and partly Sunny)

Some "Treasures" Re-released a 
Few at a Time

   I was visiting my Facebook pages earlier today,when  I went to some of the groups that I belong to. I went to one of them, and saw a nice Manoil toy, (USA), and  decided to add one of own photos to that page. On Facebook, there are many toy groups, so I decided to join  some of them.  I made requests to join, and I was accepted. HAving added one of my Manoil toys on Facebook, I decided to add a post for today. If you search out my blog, you'll find several entries, and these little toys are actually quite popular. 

   Sadly,the company doesn't exist anymore, but there are still many,many of these fine futuristic-looking cars (for today), and of course, the more common-looking toy. I decided to photo-edit them for today, because they are just so beautiful and deserve some sprucing up.  I decided only to present 5 today, so that I wouldn't  dilute the beauty of them, by placing my usual 10 or more photos.

   I don't know where everyone else is living, but as far as Montreal goes, this cold weather we've being having in February is not even fit for the birds. The meteorologists are evening predicting a colder than normal March! So keep bundled up,and if you don't venture out,  you can always read more of my blog posts!

Thanks for dropping by, 
'and have a great (warm) day, 
wherever you may be.
write to me anytime at:

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