Friday, February 28, 2014

Having Fun with Self-Promotion Fun on the Social Media

Friday, February 28, 2014
     (Sunny, windy, and very cold)

Having Fun with Self-Promotion
on the Social Media

This happens to be my 700th post on this blog, 
with a total page view count of 145730 at 1250 P.M. EST (Canada).

On February 16, of this month, I added a post about Facebook.  I joined the "social media" of Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook in order to broadcast my blog. So far, it's what I call a "slog". It's going to take work and lots of ideas to get people to visit my blog. Linkedin is more serious,. That's a company and website where you might be looking for work in your field.  You write up tour CV (Curriculum Vitae) or work and background experience. For a wider promotion to reach moire people, you need to pay and depending upon who and how many people you'd like to try and "Link" with, the more you have to pay. I use the no-pay level, so I', not having many people see me.

  Eac of the 3 sites that I've mentioned work differently, and it's interesting and fun to write something on each . However, for today, I'm just going to present the photos (all of my own) that I have added to the three website. I've been photo-editing them both to have some fun, and to grab people's attention. I've go that already on Facebook. but I don't know how that translates into new viewer to my blog. O've joined several Facebook clubs such as old toys, cast iron toys, truck groups and so forth, and I get to post on their sites.,and vice-versa.

That's my own watermark that I've been adding to my own photos. I used to simply have my photos on Picasa and Flickr, and on my blog. Then I started noticing people and companies promoting that big auction sit using my photos for a profit! I had to send a few letters asking them "politely" to remove those photos. Now,whenever I use my own photo, or someone else's each photo had a watermark and a copyright notice. However, even that does;t always deter "borrowers".

Those brighter spots are called "highlights" in photographic terms. I'll usually use small mirrors ore highly-reflective small pieces of  silver cardboard to produce them when taking photographs. However, you can do almost the same with photo-editing software.

When I first started this blog, I'd buy toys on ebay, then resell them. At that time, ebaallowed you one free photo, and 6 others were about $ 1.45. I decided to simply combine 4 photos into a larger one and add that to each listing. It was getting quite expensive to keep  paying for more photos.
 In 2013,  ebay decided to let everyone have 12 free photos,and have the images enlarge for free. I would like to "dream" that my images changed everything on  ebay, but that would be totally dreaming "big time". But I can dream, can't I?

By the way ( as I shamelessness promote by Facebook pages):

I have 3 pages on Facebook:




I think that the differences between the 2 Facebook pages titles "oldantiquetoys" is that one of them is commercial, and one of them is personal. Anyway, I keep busy for about  20 minutes a week adding  photos and some dialogue. It's like a blog, but I only add 1 photo or 2, and some short dialogue. While taking about short dialogue, Twitter is a "blast". You can add only 144 characters, so people add a lot of abbreviations and drop the vowels. I think I'm rewriting the Twitter language, and I also think people might be having trouble figuring out what I'm saying! You can only say so much with 144 characters!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, 
have a great part of the day or night.
Please feel free to write to me anytime at:

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