Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bargain John's Antique Store (Ebay and Lexington Nebraska)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014
              (Very Cold but Sunny)

Starting off the New Year Great!

   I hope everyone had a great Christmas holiday and New Year. Earlier in the week, what caught my attention on ebay were several very nice cast iron toys. Naturally, I checked them out, and I saw something that was very interesting and ingenious. Mr. Lars Ostrom, had created his own diffusion screen. A diffusion screen is simply a devise made of opaque plastic material that softens the harsh light from  photography lights. By softening the light, detail of any object will record best  and easy. Lars had taken a rigid piece of cardboard box packaging, cut a rectangular hole in it,then fastened the material (plastic or a material called Mylar).

   Nevertheless, I knew that I had to send my request to Lars, whose   ebay and actual store in located in Lexingston, Nebraska. The store had been in existence since 1968, and is called 
 Bargain John's Antiques Inc. It's family owned and focuses  on quality American Antiques from 

I did some minor improvements in Photoshop, but Lars did most of the work. I appreciate when a seller provides as many photographs (maximum 12 free photos) to buyers on ebay. This helps potential buyers to carefully look at al of the different features and camera angles of an item up for sale.

This particular item is very special in the sense that it comes with two complete and different boxes or wagons.  I like cast iron toys that you can take apart,and this most certainly would have been a favourite or mine.

The above is one of the wagons,while the one below is another. With the higher camera angles,you can easily see the differences between the 2 wagons.

I really like all of the moveable parts of this toy!

Today's toys presented today are expensive. Nevertheless, Lars takes great care and makes a big effort to present every item for sale  in the best way for photographic presentation,and I appreciate that. The stores's excellent sales record and feedback page truly show's why the store does well.

 I've written about  two of today's toys before, but never have I had the pleasure of seeing such great detailed photographs, and of course excellent photography. With the above Hubley Huber  Construction road Press,you get to see all of the parts and truly understand how the toy works.

When you see such nice toys, and great photography,it truly keeps me wanting to continue writing.

Thanks Lars and the Ostrom family, for helping me out. 
I'll return, for sure to write more on your fine store.

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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