Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Take me to Your Leader!

Tuesday, October 16, 2013

Take me to Your Leader

    There's a new space movie out this week by the title of "Gravity".  Last night, I watched the remake of Total Recall. I'll try and convince my wife to see the first movie. It's more tranquil than the latter movie. What's funny in the second movie is that they still seem to use bullets in their guns, even though the movie takes place many centuries from now! Of course,when I was 9-12, I had a fantastic cap pistol. You placed a cap inside  between the bullet and the cartridge. It took 5 minutes to load, and 10seconds to fire all 6 shots. I never had a space pistol, and I didn't know at the time that they even had them. Of course, a western 6-shoter was more to my style!

    Today's post is of "Space Pistols". It appears that they're not called guns. I did go to those Sunday matinees to see Flash Gordon with I think it was Buster Crab, the famous Olympian. Of course, there was always a big fight or danger at the end of the movie, and you had to return the week after to see what would happen.

   For those of you under the age of 55, you might not be familiar with the title of today's blog. However, if you liked space movies like myself and the movie had invading aliens, the phrase "take me to your leader" would often be included in the movie! Of course, today, that would appear to be "corny", a word used to describe anything "passé", or not in vogue!

I don't have the dates of manufacture for today's toys, but they're probably from the early 1950's.
There was a lot of alien invasions to Earth at the time, as well as the start of the great space race.
So naturally, toy manufacturers had to produce toys that were part of of our "culture" at the time.
Fortunately, I stayed with my trusty 6-shooter,  and let our Canadian army protect us from those aliens!

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be.
write to me anytime at toysearcher@gmail.com

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