Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Matching Kenton Toys With Their Catalogue Sketches

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Matching Kenton Toys With
Their Catalogue Sketches

    One of my favourite things with writing a blog is to find real toys and match them up with their  original catalogue photos or sketches. So for today, I'm presenting Kenton  cast iron toys matched up with their catalogue sketches. The Kenton Hardware Company was located in Kenton, Ohio (USA) at the beginning of the 20th century. Like many of the hardware companies of the time, Kenton decided to enter the toy market. Most of these hardware companies (Dent, Hubley) had originally made house hardware such as door hinges and door knobs and locks.  I don't know which company started the move to making toys, but eventually once one company saw that this was a new and good prospect, many others followed.


The animal inside the red cage is a bear and not a lion as the catalogue scan shows.

  It's always great to be able to match up many toys to their original photos or sketches. What's most interesting about the cast iron toys is that they have lasted for so long, and that their colours are so vibrant.  hat's also nice is to see a segment of time that has long since passed. I'm sure, I'll add a post about circus toys in the future.

Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.
write to me anytime at

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