Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ida and Earnest Long - Their Fabulous Dictionaries

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ida and Earnest Long
Their Fabulous Dictionaries

    It's not that long ago, but I can't remember where I purchase the 2 volumes of Dictionary of Toys Sold in America. However, 2 days ago a reader had sent me some photos of an old toy to research, and I had completely forgotten to research it in these exceptional 2 booklets. I did find a sketch of the model that I was looking for, but that's for another day, on another post. I don't thing this couple are still alive, since I did a search for them on a website of the town where they lived - Mokelumne Hill, California (USA).  That's sad, because these 2 booklets are a definite must for anyone who collects or need to research old American toys from before 1950.

   I did write to the Mokelumne website and asked them to either send a copy of my e-mai lto the Longs, or to forward it to any of their sons or daughters. I always ask for permission to present any photos or scans of material that I work with. I've added these pages today, but the size and resolution is low because I don't have their permission. So quality for anyone to copy and use will be weak.

Ida and Earnest Long
Mokelumne Hill, California 

  If the Longs or their  relatives are still alive, I would hope that they would make reprints of these 2 exceptional volumes. I know that when I purchase reference reproductuon catalogues, they only have 1 company's toys for a certain period of time. What's most interesting about the Longs catalogues is  that the toys are all hand-drawn illustrations. I'd love to have some of the original sketches of the catalogue. I can;t even imagine all of the work that was needed to compile such volumes - hence the title including the word dictionary.

   Some of you might have noticed that I didn't have much to say. In today's post about the 2 catalogues, the old expression "A picture is worth a thousand words" is most aptly applied here. These sample pages and their sketches "speak volumes". I just hope that I'll hear from the Longs or their children, since this would most certainly be a great story to write about.

Thanks for dropping by
and have a great part of the day, 
wherever you may be.
Write to me anytime at

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