Monday, October 14, 2013

Bing Steam Driven Autos

Monday, October 14, 2013
     Canadian Thanksgiving Monday
It's finally rained after a extraordinary 
  streak  of autumn warmth and sun

Bing Steam Driven Autos

   I had already noticed that Bing made steam driven auto toys prior to their 1902catalogue. These same toys do not appear in the 1912 catalogue, having been replaced by key wind-up mechanisms.  I wonder how easy it was to get the steam-driven toys to work, and how they were.With the replacement to wind-ups, the steam-generated toys are today very rare, and all four toys presented today received very high final winning bids, with the highest being $ 18, 800.00.

As you can see, these century old plus toys were very carefully hand-crafted with exemplary detail. In one of the descriptions, the copywriter wrote that these toys rarely lasted  "the test of toy time play". Perhaps,that's one of the reasons that the steam-powered movement was later replaced with a key wind-up  mechanism. These "trophy" toys certainly are wonderful and more so to be around after so much had happened in a century of among other things 2 world wars.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always, have a great part of the day 
wherever you may be.
write to me anytime at

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