Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Descendent of a Fine Bell and Toy Company- Part I

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
             (Everybody back to work)

A Descendent of a Fine Bell and Toy Company-Part I
Mr. Bob Watrous

   Today's post is certainly historical from all points-of-view.  Last week, I received a reproduction catalogue of the N.N. Hill Brass Co. and the Watrous Mfg. Co. The next step was to search out auction listings of these items. I first did a search for the 2 companies, and lo and behold, I get a written description of a person on e-Bay (an E-Bay view about me). It turns out to be from a person by the name of Mr. Bob Watrous who goes by the name Belltoyboy on ebay. As I read the first paragraph (below), it turns out  that  Mr. Bob Watrous  is actually related to  a Watrous from a long time ago.  Could this get any better? 

  Yes! Not only is Bob Watrous related, but it turns out that he's a collector and he knows lots and lots of details about the items that I am presenting to you today.  Bells kept ringing in my head (just kidding)! Was this a fascinating discovery or what! Bob is busy this week, but I already heard from him. In one case I made a mistake in screen-capturing an item form the catalogue, and in another, he wrote some detail about another particular toy.

   I'll be presenting at least 2 posts about Bob Watrous and the 2 companies. Today is the N.N. Hill Brass Company. When I have more time, I'll add a small paragraph about each company.

In His Own Words


Hi, I'm Robert K Watrous

Since I found what was listed as a Watrous bell toy on ebay I've been researching the Watrous Manufacturing Co. and collecting their toys. The search has introduced me to many fine people and surprises. I sent that first toy to my parents as a gift. The mailman left it at the garage door and my parents ran the car over it. The toy I later found out to be by Gong Bell not Watrous. I later would find out I'm not related to the Watrous that started Watrous Manufacturing Co., but I am related to the Watrous that married into the Gong Bell Manufacturing Co. family and went on to create the popular Playphone 600 and later became their president. You just never know where the research will lead. If you have any information, no matter how arcane, to share on the history of bell toys and especially the companies associated with East Hampton Connecticut, please contact me. If you have any toys you'd like to share I'd also love to see them. Last, if I can help you identify toys in your collection or answer any of your questions, please contact me. You can also see more on my new web site http://belltoys.ning.com/

(Bob Watrous' Logo)



All of the fine-quality photos presented today were taken by Bob.
He also happens to own all of the toys.

Bob doesn't have every toy in the catalogue, but he has many. Today's post was for the Hill toys, tomorrow's will be of the Watrous toys.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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