Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Descendent of a Fine Bell and Toy Company- Part II

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Descendent of of Fine Bell and Toy Company -Part II
Mr. Bob Watrous

   Yesterday, I introduced you to Mr. Bob Watrous, and his connection to the Watrous Manufacturing Company. The Watrous Manufacturing Company and the N.N.Hill Brass Company were both "branches" of the National Novelty Corporation of 826-828 Broadway, New York, U.S.A.  The company described themselves at the bottom of their 1905 catalogue as "Manufacturers of  Bells and Gongs of All Descriptions".Fortunately, Bob Watrous had decided a while ago to see if he was in fact related to someone in the company and he in fact was- please read the introduction "in his own words" from yesterday's post. What Bob did was eventually start to collect these fine toys of his namesake,as well as from the N.N. Hill Company as well. He's also very knowledgeable about these fine antique toys of a long time ago.  So for today, I am posting a second instalment about the Watrous toys from the "Season of 1905 No. M-2" catalogue.

Bob had purchased this one restored to the quality that it would have looked like way back in 1905.
Beautiful to look at and a beautiful photo.

This one must be Bob's favourite.
It's his logo which you can see in each photo that I watermark.

So that's it for today. I'll be returning in the future to present other images of Bob Watrous' fine collection of bell toys. He has many from other catalogues and the toys that were produced much, much later. As a blogger, it's great to have someone like Bob, who can help out with a post. And it certainly helps when he has many of the antiques to match a catalogue!

Thanks for dropping by,

and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

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