Sunday, April 15, 2012

An 1932 A.C.Williams 4-Door Graham Sedan

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A.C.Williams 1932 Cast Iron
4-Door Graham Sedan

     Wow! Writing blog instalments a few days in advance, sure makes time fly! I'm writing this contribution on Sunday April 15) just to keep my writing up to date. 

     As you already know, sales are slowing down for me. There are probably several reasons such as not having in-demand items, the US economy, and spring is here and people have more "tasks" to do. So I'm affected by not buying new inventory until I sell off my current inventory - a real "vicious circle" as they say.


An A.C. Williams Cast Iron Graham Sedan
It's much smaller than the one that I'l be discussing later.

It's also a take-apart toy.
You can see the metal spring holding the 2 parts together.

This is also an A.C. Williams Cast Iron 1929 Pierce-Arrow .
It's cast iron, and the 2 halves are held together by a central steel rod.

 This great-looking item below, arrived last Thursday, and I finally have some time to write about it. This toy is probably the most-expensive toy I've purchased to date, and I was fortunate to win on the bidding. Of course, I'll have to see how easy it will sell, and for how much!

    The toy is an A.C.Williams 1932 Cast Iron 4 - Door Graham Sedan. I've written a few instalments on the Tootsietoy Grahams, but this is the first "big guy"! 

The car measures 7" (L) X 2 3/4" (W) x 2 1/4" high.
In metric it's 190mm x 70mm x 58mm.

 This is the same patented "take-Apart Design as the smaller A.C.Willams above.
Also, this one has a separate nickel-plated grill.

 What's interesting to note is the big spacing of the front of the bumper to the grill.
That certainly is a lot of space!

So "that's a wrap" as they say in the movie industry.

Thanks for dropping by, 
and I hope your week is going fine 
wherever you may be.

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