Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Chinese Reproduction - Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Chinese Reproduction
(Caveat Emptor)

     There are a lot of fakes of every type of merchandise coming from China, and of course fake old toys are no different.  I purchased this particular toy knowing it was a "fake". I've been hounding E-Bay about all of the fake listings on E-Bay with regard to cast iron toys. I actually did get E-Bay to warn someone to correct their listing, but that person has removed the listing altogether.

    I don't mind if a seller lists an item as a "reproduction", and I've even thanked them for doing so.  However there are more people either without knowledge or simply unscrupulous that there are honest listers of "reproductions on E-Bay. For this particular listing, someone actually wrote to the seller, and he actually added the information to inform everyone that this was a "reproduction from China" and not a Hubley!

So lets' have a look at a "reproduction" to describe this politely, and see how one can spot the fake! For comparison, I've used a beautiful 1932 Arcade Desoto as an example of fine American craftsmanship, even after almost 80 years!

The "fake" - a cast iron racer probably made in China, and the 
"real" Arcade 1932 Cast Iron Desoto.

The "fake"measures 5" L) x 1 5/8" W) x 1 7/8" (H)
(128mm x 43mm x48mm)

1. The casting on the fake has a very rough texture compared with the  "real item.

I've only been buying and selling toys for 1 1/2 years, so if I make a mistake 
on any of my deductions or assumptions, by all means please send me an e-mail
so I can correct the error.

Look at how rough the cast is. It looks almost like sandpaper!

2. Fake aging.

Notice the missing paint on the  edges.
On an old authentic toy, paint flakes off or is chipped

3. Axles are painted red!
You'll never see that on a "real" old cast iron toy unless it was repainted.
And if it was repainted, you'd see the original colour underneath.

4. Very Sloppy Paint Job!

Not in a million years would you find such a terrible paint job on an old American Cast Iron Toy!

5. Terrible Casting!

I assume that the writing is supposed to be a word. 
However, due to the terribly poor craftsmanship, you can't read what the letters are suppose to spell!

6. Notice the  detail in the small lines on the side of the real Arcade

 A poor-quality casting led to the inability to create fine detail as the blue Arcade Desoto.

7. Cast iron driver are 1 piece and 99.9% never ground on a grinder!
8. The poor driver has no arms and hands!

So if you're at a local flea market or on E-Bay looking for a cast iron toy, please follow that old expression - "Caveat Emptor" before you spend good money on a fake!

Thanks for visiting, and as always,
have a good morning, afternoon, or evening,
wherever you may be.

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