Saturday, April 14, 2012

Update on Unknown Toy Identity Request

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Update onUnknown Toy Identity Request

     Today's instalment is about new information about an unidentified toy that I wrote about on Wednesday April, 11, 2012. A buyer, by the name of Al Williams asked me if I could identify a toy for him.  I always provide my Blog addresses for toy collectors, buyers, and sellers to look at. AL gave me a nice compliment about my being very knowledgeable about toys,but I mentioned to him that I only had 1 1/2 years of buying and selling on E-Bay.

    I placed his photos on the  April 11 instalment, but so far no luck in terms of the ID. Yesterday, I was searching out toys to maybe bid on, and I came across a toy listing that looked familiar.  I asked the seller if I could use her photos, and she graciously gave me permission. And wouldn't you know, I had just purchased 4 toys from her a few weeks ago, and I didn't know it.  With people having e-Bay ID names, e-Mail addresses, and of course their "real names' it's easy not to remember who's who, but that's no excuse for myself. I'll have to start an Excel Database for all of the people that I have sold to, asked questions, or bought from.

                 So this fine person's name is Susan Behr, and her E-Bay ID is  Bargaingarden. 

 This is Al Williams'  Toy that he needs to find the make and information about.

Screen Capture taken From E-Bay

Photos Courtesy of Susan Behr (all rights reserved)

Photos Courtesy of Susan Behr (all rights reserved)

Photos Courtesy of Susan Behr (all rights reserved)

I'm not any closer to identifying the manufacturer of the toy that Al  Williams asked me information.
However, I now know that the car model is a 1940 Chevy (Chevrolet) Sedan.

I'd like to thank Susan Behr through her E-Bay Store Bargaingarden, 
for allowing me to use her photos.

Hopefully, our path to discovering which company made Al's toy .

As always,have a pleasant morning,
afternoon, or evening wherever you may be,
and of course,
thanks for dropping by.

Stacey Bindman

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