Sunday, April 21, 2024

A Beautiful German Penny Toy

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Overcast with some rain
8° C / 46° F

A Beautiful German Penny Toy

Yesterday, I finished a post from a new seller on ebayHis store is Stripe4107
After I finished the post, I decided to see what else he had in the store. 
I saw some toys that are called German penny toys. I have no idea if they truly cost 1 cent 
back in the 1920's or 1930's, but they were very interesting and I'd never seen them before.

I did some reading on these toys, but I added a link at the end of this post 
to read an excellent article on Wikipedia.

These toys were made from tin metal, and beautifully painted. Most
of these small-sized toys were made in Germany, and the name "Penny Toy" 
was "coined" in Britain because at the time (1885-1914), these toys sold for 1 cent!*

* From the excellent article from Wikipedia

** I added a direct link to Wikipedia at the bottom of this post.


German Double Jockey Galloping Toy
Length:  5" / 12.7 cm
Lithographed tin, features articulated gallop motion when clockwork is activated.
Very hard to find a double jockey.

What I personally liked about the toy was the nice colours of the paint.

I decided to look for more information about these most-interesting
and charming toys. I went to Wikipedia and found an excellent article on
these toys.

So as they say in the movie lexicon (vocabulary), when a movie scene is finished:
"That's a wrap"

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the morning, noon, or evening, 
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
and I can always be contacted at:

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