Saturday, February 24, 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024
-1° C / 30.2° F

I already introduced you (the reader)in my last blog post, to Mr. Timothy Edwards, whom I discovered weeks ago on the Net. Timothy has created one of the best and most exhaustive and and researched blogs on the Internet about the Meccano Company. For anyone wanting to know about the Meccano company, this is definitely the website to visit!

Please click here (on this line) to visit this wonderful website

For those who don't know about Meccano, this great company was created by Mr. Frank Hornby in 1907 (but marketed in 1901 as Mechanics Made Easy). Meccano came in sets of metal pieces with parts and nuts and bolts in green and red boxes. Instructions came with the set, and children (myself included in the 1950's), would assemble whatever design  or item came with the instructions. The larger the set of parts, the larger the finished toy would be.  Additional sets could be purchased for children who wanted to make larger versions of a toy that they had in mind. As an example, a finished 10" (25.4 cm) airplane could become a 20" (50.8 cm) airplane with the combination of 2-3 kits. Of course, most Meccano enthusiasts would graduate to larger-sized kits that were more complicated and sophisticated. These advanced kits could even have the model-maker order small motors to run their finished model. Examples such as a Ferris wheel, an airplane, or car were  quite common at the time.

I selected the topic below, to illustrate the extensive research and effort that Timothy Edwards has invested in his website. He has created one of the best websites I've ever seen, with regard to a specific toy manufacturer.

As an aside, is there an award site on the Internet 
for the best website in different categories?


    Tim's website is exceptional in terms of content, photos, and written information. I've barely touched the surface of this great resource, and I hope, you, my readers will venture over to this website.

So that's it for today, and as always, thanks for dropping by, 
and have a great  day or night, wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman, and I can always be reached at:


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