Friday, February 23, 2024

An Encyclopaedic Website for Meccano Enthusiasts

Friday, February 23, 2024
3° Celcius / 37.4° Fahrenheit

An Encyclopaedic Website for
Meccano Enthusiasts

For those who don't know, my first post was about the great construction toy company -Meccano. 

I don't want to spoil the story, so please go to the first post, and you'll see
how I started to blog about toys.

Getting back to today's post, I always wanted to write a Meccano post. I'd been searching and searching for a good Meccano website from which I'd be sourced with lots of information. Eventually, about 2 weeks ago, I found one.

The website is by Mr. Timothy Edwards for Meccano.
It is one of the best websites that I have found, that  exclusively contains
a tremendous amount of information about one company. A good portion of the website goes back in time right to the very beginning 
when the Meccano company was created.

The screen-captures below provide you with just 1 "tiny" bit of information.
It focuses on the instructions that came with a series of toy models that could be constructed using different Meccano sets.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be writing more blog posts about 
Mr. Timothy Edwards fantastic website. I can't even begin to think just how much time and effort Timothy has put into this great resource.

For those who ever had a Meccano set (myself included), Timothy's website brings me back more than 65 years ago (I'm 75 now), when my parents got me a Meccano set.

The set that I had was a great set to spend time on, and to try and change 
the designs and items that came with the kit. Of course, at that time, I only had one "basic" kit, so I was limited with only so much to build. Nevertheless, I was happy to have this kit. Moreover, there was the chemistry set, hockey equipment (for winter), puzzles, a small set of Lionel train cars and engine, and  the carpentry kit. 
And of course, there was a lot of time spent with friends. 

Those times bring back good memories, and I'm sure many of you have
had the same feelings return due to the toys that your parents, aunts and uncles brought for you.

Those were the days.....

As always, thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman.
and I can always be reached at:

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