Sunday, February 12, 2023

 Sunday February 12, 2023                                                                                                             Overcast   2° C  35.4° F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


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     If you follow my blog, you'll have noticed that I haven't written much for the last 2 years. I got Covid in the beginning of  January 2022, and got a whole list of problems from Covid! I saw more doctors and had more tests that in all of the other 73 years of my life! Right now, I'm feeling great, but I'm having trouble trying to gain back 17 pounds (7.71 kilograms) that I lost. I've even been to a dietician who gave me advise on how to regain my weight loss, and to eat 5 meals a say!

    For my last post, I had to do research to find out the true identity of that exceptional 4-Horse Brake Coach. A reader had asked me to try and identify the cast iron toy, and I came across 2 possible answers - Pratt & Letchworth and Hubley. I gave the answer as "Hubley",  (and I was wrong!!!!!), but the reader was able to contact an exceptional website with an exceptional owner - Mr. Ed Sandford. The reader had found Mr. Ed Sanders from a blog post that I wrote years ago. I phoned Ed, and talked with him for a while. Later I wrote him, and said that I would like to write a post for him, for having helped the reader find an answer. I also mentioned to Ed that I was going to write an updated post for having helped the reader find an answer to his inquiry.

    So, today's post is a big thank-you to Mr. Ed Sanders for having helped the reader out, as well as having taken the time to chat with me about the reader's inquiry.  Years ago, I found Ed Sander's website exceptional. It had great photos, excellent information and identification of toys, and of course one could buy fine toys listed on his website.

    Flash forward to today and the weeks before, and I was totally taken aback at how much his website has evolved to be one of the finer websites about toys and for buying toys on the Net (of course, that's my "humble" opinion).

That screen-capture is the opening page. You can see all of the categories that this extraordinary website contains
A "sampling" of some of the many different categories
that will allow you to research your toy.


Ed's photography is exceptional. A plain white foundation
allows the toy to be presented without any distractions. As well,
when you click on the photo, you are redirected to another page, 
where there are plenty of other photos to examine.


Each category of toys is then broken down into other sub-divisions.
This website is like an encyclopaedia, and filled with extensive information, and 
great photography.


Ed's background before entering the world of selling toys and writing, was having been an engineer. His extensive research, superb organization of his website, and excellent photography all can be attributed to his training and education in this the field of engineering. 


I already mentioned that Ed also sells fine toys. He writes nice and thorough descriptions, describing repairs, scratches or even missing pieces.  Obviously, Ed is well-educated in knowing his toys, as this Harris toy originally came with accessories.


And last, but not least - my favourite - excellent photography.
In focus, well lit, large photos, and lots of photos of the item being sold.

Of course, I hope many of you visit his great website. 
It's a cornucopia of encyclopaedic material overflowing with what any toy collector 
or buyer might want.

So that's it for today.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

My name is (Mr.) Stacey Bindman, and
I can always be reached at:


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