Friday, May 22, 2020

Theriault's - The Curator of the World's Dolls

Friday, May 22, 2020
27 C 81 F

I seldom cover dolls, but when I was browsing the Net the other day, I saw the name Theriault's several times with regard to a search that I was doing. When I visited  the website, was I surprised! Theriault's is  one of the most famous sites for dolls, and when you  venture over to their website you will see why. If I can put this into words, they are the keepers of the tradition of collecting dolls for now and the next generation of children and adults who get pleasure form collecting, and perhaps playing with them as well.

In their own words


"Founded in 1970 by Florence and George Theriault, the firm has specialized exclusively in the appraisal and auction of antique dolls and childhood playthings throughout its 50-year history. The firm's offices and cataloging center are headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, although its live auctions are conducted in major cities throughout the United States. Also, because of Theriault's stellar reputation, collectors and museums worldwide participate in bidding on dolls through a well-developed system of phone, absentee, and Internet bidding. In addition, collectors and estate specialists worldwide - from Asia to Europe to every small town in America - have commissioned their dolls to Theriault's for auction."


Theriault's was an early leader in the movement toward specialization within the auction industry. "Traditionally, collectors have been confounded by the contradiction of desiring an object, yet fearing its flaws," notes founder Florence Theriault. We wanted to create an auction firm with a profound knowledge of the subject of the dolls, as well as the mere ability to present an auction. The principle has been well-served, not only offering assurance to the collector of dolls, but also ensuring sellers that their dolls will be marketed intelligently.

Theriault's appraisers have freely contributed their time and knowledge at collector gatherings ranging from small town-club meetings to international  conferences. Informative articles concerning doll collecting and the history of dolls have been contributed to various journals, and an extensive research library is maintained by Theriault's and its sister company, Gold House Publishing, that has published more that 60 books on specialized subjects of doll collecting, with a network of knowledge and respected authors.

Theriault's has sponsored a number of public appraisal clinics to the benefit of museums and public libraries as well as other non-profit organizations and, additionally, hosted many one or two day educational seminars conducted for collectors in major citied around the United States that are free and open to all. Additionally, Theriault's has sponsored a scholarship program in conjunction with the UFDC to support ongoing research in the world of dolls.


6" (15 cm.) Each has bisque shoulderhead, muslin body, bisque lower limbs, including lady with mohair wig arranged with ringlet curls, glass eyes, closed mouth, wearing fine antique gown with lace trim and matching high top bonnet, model 1160 by Simon and Halbig; and gentleman with sculpted black hair and moustache, wearing wonderful original costume and top-hat. Condition: generally excellent. Comments: Germany, circa 1890. Value Points: wonderful original costumes, the woman with original dainty wig.
You can read from the description, that each and every item for sale is most-carefully researched. It's truly amazing how antique dolls have been so sell kept over a period of 130 years. Moreover, these dolls represent how well-off people and their children would have dressed in the 1890's! Even the assembly of the dolls, and their costumes are truly classic!

I decided to not include the written descriptions, so that I could present the pictures by themselves for viewing. The photos are excellent in terms of the nice material that the dolls are on. However, it's the lighting that caught my eye. They are using at least 3 lights to photograph the dolls. There is a light from the back, and 2 lights from the front.  Also the file sizes are very good enough to see plenty of detail, as well as fine detail. It's as if each doll is having her/his portrait taken!

Below is an exceptional "boutique" of miniature 
19th Century decorative objects and silver
Width x Height x Depth
22"  x 13" x 11''
558mm x 330 mm x 280 mm

The wooden-framed open shop with angled sides has built-in shelves back and sides with painted finish to simulate marble and accented with gilt beading and decoupage trim, wooden parquet flooring, hanging tri-arm chandelier, matching ormolu framed mirrors on alternate walls. The shelves are laden with more than 60 miniature treasures including silver tea service, bird cage, tiny dolls in miniature silver chairs, Berlin porcelain statuary, collection of clocks, rare book press, and much more. Excellent condition. An outstanding original presentation of rare antique miniatures in early shop. 

 Height: 17" (430 mm.) 
Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulderplate with modeled bosom and shoulderblades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes with spiral threading, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, mauve-blushed eyeshadow, brushstroked brows, accented eye corners, shaded nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, dimpled chin and philtrum, pierced ears, blonde mohair wig over cork pate, slender kid bebe body with scalloped upper edge, kid-over-hinged hips, wooden lower legs, kid-over-wooden arms, bisque forearms. Condition: generally excellent, restoration to one finger on left hand. Marks: Bru Jne 5 (head and shoulderplate). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1884. Value Points: splendid eyes are featured in this beautiful bebe from golden age of Bru, original body, lovely antique costume, leather shoes signed "Bru Jne Paris 5".

13" (33 cm.) Bisque swivel head on kid-edged bisque shoulderplate with modeled bosom and shoulderblades, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, dark eyeliner, painted lashes, brushstroked brows, accented eye corners and nostrils, closed mouth with outlined lips, brunette mohair wig over cork pate, slender kid body with scalloped-edge kid collarette, kid-over-wooden upper arms, bisque forearms, wooden lower legs. Condition: generally excellent. Marks: Bru Jne 4 (head and shoulders), Bebe Bru...(partial original paper label on body). Comments: Leon Casimir Bru, circa 1886, Value Points: charming fellow has original body, great expression and painting of features, antique costume, cap, and shoes, and carrying faux-tortoise mandolin and leather case.

I certainly do not know much of the lexicon of the world of dolls.However, you can see just how much research goes into describing these true antiques! I still cannot believe just how great these toys have lasted for a hundred years, and through the 1800's, 1900's, and 2000's.
I'm sure these exceptional genre of "toys" will survive much much longer. 
Their legacy  is truly a marvel over the ages!

I certainly was elated to find such a fantastic company, and I would especially 
like to thank Mr. Stuart Holbrook, the President and chief auctioneer of the firm. When I wrote to him, he was more that happy to help me out with this post, but all the thanks is from myself to him.
His experience and knowledge is most exceptional, ah truly is an expert extraordinaire in his genre of the doll world!

I hope that everyone enjoyed this post, and will now have a great resource for researching any dolls that they have or will have seen at auctions, marketplaces, and in special antique stores. 

Have a great part of the day or evening,
and thanks for dropping by.

Stacey Bindman

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