Thursday, May 21, 2020

Matching 1928 Keystone Toys to a Butler Brothers Catalogue

Friday, March 21, 2020
27 C.  81 F

Matching 1928 Keystone Toys
 to a Butler Brothers Catalogue

It's always fun to find toys on the Internet and match them up to a catalogue.
Bertoia Auctions is having a current auction now with a lot of Keystone toys.
However, my 1927 Butler Brothers catalogue does not have these toys.
Coincidentally, when I did the Internet search, I came up with the page that I was looking for.
I found page 266 of the Butler Brothers 1928 (December) catalogue.
All of the toys are pressed steel with  rubber tires, and some of them have been restored.

If you are reading this after the end of the auction, then simply
go to the Bertoia Auctions website, and search for past auctions and June 18, 2020*

The "Packard Combo 49 Truck measures 28" (710 mm).
The other toys seen above are also large toys.

If anyone has any of the other Keystone toys featured above,
please feel free to send me your photos, and I will add them to this blog post.
Just e-mail me beforehand, so I can tell you the size of the photos, 
and how to light the toys for best results.

Returning to reality, up here in Canada, and my province of Quebec, 
The Covid19 virus statistics are starting to show the data stabilizing 
and/or the falling. The governments  (federal and provincial) are starting to 
ease up on the rules. Soon, I will be able to get a haircut and to 
go to large stores that were previously closed.

Nevertheless, if people start to go beyond the rules, then they will
endanger everyone. I hope people understand this.

So that's it for today.
Thanks for visiting,
and have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.

Stacey BIndman

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