Monday, April 27, 2020

AHA - So That's Where my Photos Are!

Monday, April 27, 2020
Sunny and Cloudy Periods
7 C 45 F

Aha - So That's Where my Photos Are!

     When I first started to use Blogger, I decided to save my photos (people's photos) on a website titled Picasa. The photos were there up April about 2016, when they "disappeared. I must not have read a notice, but what happened was that Picasa was bought up by Google, and Picasa was closed down in 2016.  I don't know!! I don't ever think I received a notice from Google as to what would be happening!

    Anyway, today, I was browsing the Net, when I came across the name "Picasa". It seemed familiar to me, but I completely forgot that that was where my Blogger Photos were stored! The next step was to search for Picasa on Google Search, and lo and behold I was redirected by Google to where I could find  everyones(and mine) photos!  Whoa, was I happy. This was most certainly a "Eureka Moment"!

I did a search for "Picasa", and the screen-capture below appeared". I then clicked on "Go to Google Photos", and there were everyone's and my photos!

Courtesy of Google

  When  I clicked on "Go to Google Photos", there were some of the photos that I had originally uploaded way back in December 2009! I'm not sure as to how you store Photos on Google now in terms of do you pay for added storage or what? I'll do some investigation and get back to everyone when I edit this post. It's important to have a place to store your photos, besides your hard drives, or memory sticks!

I'll tell you why. In September of last year, my internal hard drive on my 2011 hard drive broke down, and my IMac wouldn't work. I contacted someone who I knew;A computer "techie". He replaced the internal hard drive (he left it inside), and used a replacement 1 GB SSD (Solid State Drive) externally. My computer lasted 3 months, then crashed again. My computer died! Not only that but my second backup hard drive crashed as well. Everything that I had on those 2 hard rives were lost foreever! My fishing trip with my brother to the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia (Canada), my trip to Hawaii with my wife on the occasion of my niece's wedding were gone, and of course all of my Blog photos! 

Below are images from  Feb, 21, 2016

Copyright 2020.   Bertoia Auctions
Please do not copy without their written permission

Below are images from  June 19, 2012

Copyright 2020.  Stacey Bindman
Please do not copy without my
 written permission

Below are images from  June 19, 2012 & ››January & February 2012
Copyright 2020.  Stacey Bindman
Please do not copy without my
 written permission

What's also interesting is that some of my own photos and 
I'm sure those of others were larger-sized, and were saved as such.
Below are 2  more examples.

Copyright 2020.  Stacey Bindman
Please do not copy without my
 written permission

The photos or back-ups have stopped since 2018.
I'm sure if I wanted to save my photos from 2010-2020 and from now on,
 I would have to now buy (lease) additional spave for additional costs.

So what does one do now?

1. If you use Photoshop from Adobe or any other Adobe program, 
you have their "Creative Cloud" that you rent by the month, to store your photos.

2. You use (rent) space from Google.

3. Buy 2  (moving parts) external hard drives or SSD drives

4. Buy Memory Sticks (prices keep coming down)

5.Keep your photos on your camera memory cards and store them safely.

6. For added safety, store  # 4 & 5 in your safety deposit box) at the bank, if you have one.

6. Keep up with the times!

Memory storage devices and camera memory cards keep changing Keep up with the times
so that obsolescent! ( Remember what happened to tapes with video cameras?).

I hope that this post has enlightened you about storing your cherished images (photos)
and that for a minimum amount of investment, you will be able to always have your photos A(and eventually pass them on) with you safely, and with peace of mind.

So that's it for today,

Thanks for dropping by,
And have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be.
And take care of yourself and your family during these trying times!

You can always reach me at:

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