Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Book by Pim Piët

Wednesday, April 28, 2020
Sun with cloud
10 C 50 F

A Book by Pim Piët

    I've often thought of "making" a book. There are several companies that you can make your book. You go to their website, use the tools available, upload photos, write, and after a few hours, you press the button - "make the book".

   The publishing company that Pim used was Blurb

The book shows much better on the link above than they do on this post!

Copyright 2020              Pim Piët
Please do not  copy without his written permission

As you can see, that the design is well done, in terms
of how the written description and photos are laid out and positioned

So that's it for today.
Thanks for visiting, and
have a great part of the day or night
wherever you may be.

I can always be reached at my e-mail address below:



  1. Hello Megusta Imperfecta,

    My apologies for answering so late.
    Thanks for the compliments,and have a great part of the day or evening.

    (Mr.) Stacey Bindman
    writer of this blog
