Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Magical Talent of Christopher Ferrone

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Sunny with Clouds
+7 C 44.6 F

The Magical Talents
of Christopher Ferrone

A few years ago, I received a letter from Mr. Christopher Ferrone with some nice photos of a refurbished and restored toy. I thanked Christopher for the photos and naturally, I added a post about him and his super skills at toy restoration. From time to time, I receive "surprises" in my e-mail account from Christopher.  Each time, I am more and more impressed with his mastery of toy restoration, and even metamorphosing old toys into new designs.

Christopher happens to be president of Americoach Systems, Inc., which also is affiliated  with the Chicago Sightseeing Company, and I'm sure is owned by Christopher. Chris not only has the sight-seeing company, but I decided to check up on him for writing purposes. I discovered that he has a location where he also repairs and maintains his fleet of sightseeing busses. Aha! So that's where he got his skills to be able to make such nice toys.

Today's toy happens to be a Canadian-made Lincoln toy toy truck
from the 1950's. Lincoln toys were well made and included both trucks and farm toys.
The toys were produced by Milner Metal Products t6hat was located in Windsor,  & Tilbury,Ontario, Canada.

All photos copyright  © 2018 by Mr. Christopher Ferrone.
Please do not copy without his written permission.

The toy truck was separated in the middle.
Chris wanted to add a centre elevation
to the middle of the truck.
Below is a photo of the newly-installed
centre of the truck.
The toy was sandblasted to remove
all of the old paint. A paint primer was then 
sprayed over the exposed pressed steel.
The primed parts were then sprayed with a
finishing coat of bright red paint.

The parts were then assembled together.
The old 1950's truck was changed into a 
beautiful retro fire truck.

So that's it for today,
Thanks for dropping by,
And have a great day or evening.

Stacey Bindman

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