Sunday, March 25, 2018

So That's Where My Photos Are!

Tuesday, March  27, 2018
Sunny with Clouds
+7 C 44.6 F

So That's Where 
My Photos Are!

I was taken aback (surprised), when I noticed a notification on my blog-writing page.
I clicked the icon for messages, and suddenly my photos "magically" appeared.
However, upon close examination, I'm still missing 1000's of photos, 
and there are hardly any photos from 2018. This isn't the first time I've had missing photos. I've had this same problem since 2014.  Of course, I always made sure that I save my photos anyway on my external hard drives ( I have 2 of them).

I thought that I'd simply present you some of my early blog post photos. I currently have 1400 blog posts. What I would suggest is that you visit my early posts.  I started my blog in 2011. At that time, I bought and sold toys, and just broke even after the costs of shipping to my house, repackaging, and sending the toys to new buyers. At that time, my most expensive toys 
cost me about  $ 50.00 US. 

The best toys that I purchased in the past were the Tootsietoy Grahams. I don;t have them anymore, but I was able to  purchase them for about $ 15.00 - $ 20.00 US dollars at the time, and now, in 2018, some of these fine toys can cost from $ 45.00 - $ 250.00 U.S dollars.

That's the web address where my photos are

When I clicked on the above link,
I was redirected to this new page.

Below are my latest photos. The amount of photos is very low, and I'm missing
hundreds and hundreds of photos!

I'm a retired professional photographer and professional photography teacher. I spent lots of time to take excellent photos (please excuse my boasting). However,when you sell toys on ebay, the quality doesn't really matter. However, I also photographed well, in order to have nice photos for my blog.  I've even had American Pickers pay me for several of my  photos.

The photo of the Turret cigarettes advertisement  on the wall was used for another of my blogs
about professional photography. I took the photo because it was interesting, and I knew that when that building was rebuilt, the wall would again be hidden!. I think Turret cigarettes were sold in the 1930's, here in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

I used to use white fabric and textured cloth (burlap) as foundations and backgrounds for my toys.
Since I stopped taking my own toy photos, I decided to remove all backgrounds and foundations, in order to place toys of my guest on white. I find the toys  present best on a white background!

Below is set of flower photos, that are again on my Pro Photo blog.

The sulkies (horse, rider, and cart) were purchased because my father-in-law had some sulky racehorses.  I still have that grey horse with the rider.

Below is an eclectic  (interestingly varied) group of photos. 
There are Hubley cast iron cars and trucks, and diecast Tootsietoys. What I just noticed is that if I had to redo these photos, I would add the American penny in all the photos. As these photos are presented, one cannot know the small  Tootsietoys from the larger Hubley toys.

The top red car  in the second row (in silhouette) appears in 2 other places. The toy
was in bad condition, and so I decided to repaint it. 
The result is in the first row, second image down.

So if you ever decide to write a blog with photos, 
always be sure to back-up the photos on your personal hard drives. 
It's better, and you know where the photos are.
With  Google, it seems that I always seem to have "issues" with missing photos.

And finally, if you're reading this post, go back in time to when I first started posting.
There are some nice posts that I started from which I bought my own toys and resold them. You might find those posts also interesting.

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always,
Have a great part of the day or night.
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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