Friday, May 5, 2017

Toyclaus - An Excellent ebay Seller

Friday, May 5, 2017
Cloud with Rain
8 C  46 F

An Excellent ebay Seller

   Today's post id from last November (2016). I had worked on the post but never added it to my blog.
"Toyclaus" is a fine ebay seller whom I asked for permission to use his photos several years ago. What I wanted to write about is some of the factors that help bring success to ebay sellers. 

   If you look at the photos of Toyclaus, you'll notice several things:

  1. The photos are in focus.
  2. There are plenty of photos.
  3. The photos are exposed well, and
  4. Many different angles of the listings are used to present the toys in their best manner.

  I decided to covert the individual photos into a grouping of photos called a "montage".

As I mentioned a few days back, we've been having lots and lots of rain up here. April was almost a record for the month for the most rain in a month. Meanwhile, it's only May 5, and already 3 of the 5 days in the month have been overcast with rain. The next 6 days are projected to have rain again! 
Many of the citied around Montreal and elsewhere have been inundated with so much rain, that the rivers have overflowed their banks, and flooding of homes  has occurred.  

Hopefully, by mid-May, the rain will finally stop, and seasonal weather will prevail!

Thanks for dropping by,
And as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
Wherever you may be.
Stacey Bindman

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