Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Another Reader Asks for Help in Identifying an Old Toy

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Cold and Overcast
8 C  46 F

Another Reader Asks for Help
in Identifying an Old Toy

     It's been a miserable MArch and April, and so far May is not so great either. There hasn't been much sun, and there's too much rain. April almost broke the record for rain, and with the rain in May, we're seeing lots of flooding that hash;t been seen here in 20 years. Rivers are overflowing their banks, causing houses to be have water in their basements.

   Anyway, I was looking at my e-mails, when Mr. Ezra Walker  wrote and asked me if I could identify a toy. I could;t, but I asked for his permission to write a post for him, to see if anyone out there might help out. So that's the essence for today's post.

The toy is about 5" x  2" x 2" and looks like it was made from cast iron. Judging from the topmost photo of the side of the bus, the toy appears to have been made in the late 1930'd or early 1940's. 
The hubs for the tires are made from wood, and the tires were most likely rubber.

I tried to search for this toy from my catalogues, but I'm missing several catalogues from the 1930's-1940's, so I couldn't find any information on this toy. So if someone out there has a similar toy, or knows who made the toy, would you please write to me, to help out.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or might,
Wherever you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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