Saturday, April 8, 2017

Christopher W. Ferrone Helps Out

Sunday April 9, 2017
Partly Sunny
6 C  41 F

 Christopher W. Ferrone Helps Out

    Finally the weather is getting nicer. Up here in Montreal, it was a somewhat average winter. There wasn't as much snow as usual, but in the last several weeks, we had a huge snowfall of  about 17 3/4 inches  (45 cm). And just this week, there was rain all day long for 3 days. Today, it's finally sunny but cool. But this upcoming Monday, it's going to be 20 C (68 F). 

   I received an e-mail from a friend by the name of Christopher W. Ferrone. He's the President of Americoach Systems, Inc. In Chicago (Illinois, USA). When he's not busy managing his company, his hobby is to take old toys and restore them . Sometimes he just restores them without any changes, and sometimes he alters them like the toy that I'm presenting today.

In Christopher's own words

Hi Stacey

here is a new truck and steam shovel I just completed

the truck is a 1930's Wyandotte, and the steam shovel is a 1920's Metal Craft

both were sand blasted and modified

Note the cab of the truck has been extended slightly and a Portal window has been added, check out the vertical exhaust stack from the hood of the truck .

The steam shovel formerly had its own set of wheels, but I thought it would be cool to mount it on the rear for the truck, I fabricated the base mounting system .

Both pieces are base coat metal flake, and clear coat......hardly "period" for the 20's and 30's, but a cool "spin" and a modern look ??

Both of these toys were broken when I got them.  I only buy broken toys, no fun if it is all together ....right ?

again......sorry for the terrible photos......but at least you get to see my kitchen....hahahah!

Thanks for posting all of my work !

I hope you like this toy



  When I Wrote this blog 4-5 years ago, I also liked to restore toys, but nowhere near the excellent skills of Christopher. I would remove the old paint, find replacement parts, then re-paint the toy. Christopher, on the other hand is an "artiste". Not only does he restore toys, but he works with broken toys, and even is creative. In the case of today,s toy, it is unique. It's a "creation" from 2 toys put together with Christopher's fantastic abilities. 

   If Christopher hadn't informed me that this toy was a combination of 2 toys, I would have thought that it was an authentic toy from the 1930's, such is the skill of Christopher. I always enjoy receiving
e-mails from Christopher, because Ian always anticipating new "art" from his magnificent abilities.

  His e-mail gave me the impetus (motivation) to write this post and to start writing again.  

 So thanks Christopher for your kind effort to help me out, and I especially liked this most unique toy.

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great part of the day or night,
wherever yo umay be,

Stacey Bindman

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