Sunday, March 5, 2017

The New Improved Website of Bertoia Auctions

Sunday, March 5, 2017
Sunny with Clear Skies
-13 C  8.6 F

The Newly Improved 
Website of Bertoia Auctions 

I haven't been writing many posts so far this year. So when I visited Bertoia Auctions, I Was surprised to notice that their website "look" appeared to be different from what I was used to.  
I did a cursory check of the site, and was pleasantly surprised to  see that the site had some nice improvements. 

The first thing that you notice is that the opening page is very "clean". The page is easy to view,
as most of the page is white, so that any detail that there is pops out at you, making viewing very easy on the eye, and easy to see. 

The second thing that you notice is that there a small box that you  check above the icons and descriptions. The red arrow is pointing to what I am describing.

When you check the box that has the words next to it "Use condensed view",  The size of the listined toys with their respective descriptions are reduced to  smaller sizes. This allows the viewer to see more listings on one page.  The advantage of this feature is that you can be more selective in what you'd like to see in the enlarged form, and not view what you prefer to avoid.

When you enlarge a listing by clicking on the listing, the images appear. IN the upper right corner, there are 2 features.  In the above, pressing on the red arrow enlarges the whole image.

This is the enlarged image after having pressed the + symbol in the magnifying circle.
The arrow is pointing to to arrows going in opposite directions.

The above screen-capture illustrates  an enlarged image of the above screen-capture.

 Pressing on the arrows  going in opposite directions will
expand the image to fill your window screen.

Here is the enlarged view

In the image above, I've moved the image to focus in on the upper
bodies of the 2 characters. Basically, you can move the image  to
focus on different parts. This is a great feature because you can see detail closer up.
If you look closely, you can actually see some dust on the top of the piano.

All-in-all, the improved Bertoia Auctions website provides new features. These new features
now allow the viewer to save time, and see more detail easier for each listing.  When you're bidding on something, you want to be able to place your bid on as much information as there is,. These new features will now make it easier for bidders - not bad for an auctioneer who already in well-renowned for already being a class act!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,
Have a great time of the day or night,
Wherever  you may be.

Stacey Bindman

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