Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Faith Manufacturing Company

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunny and very cold

The Faith Manufacturing Company

  I had seen a nice aluminum toy car on ebay and wrote to the seller to ask for permission to use the photos.However, I didn't hear from the person, and knew from experience to check Liveauctioneers. If it's on ebay someone on Liveauctioneers will most likely have it.   Sure, enough, Bertoia Auctions  had two of them. 

  Bertoia Auctions didn't have much information, so I returned to ebay and found information  on the company. It turns out that the Faith Manufacturing Company located in Chicago, Illinois (USA) manufacturers certain car parts. These included hood ornaments, gas caps, door handles and fender guides. 

The toys that you see on this page would be given or sold to customers of the company for their children. I found these nice toys that were sold by Bertoia, but did find a few other variation that were different in the toys having been painted red over the aluminum. 

The company made nice hood ornaments and I did find some. I wrote to one ebay  seller to ask if I 
might use his photos of a beautiful swan hood ornament. We'll have to see if he/she agrees. If not, 
I'll try other sellers.  I'll be looking for more parts from the company, because it would be vert interesting to see exactly what else they made and the quality. If it's anything like the aluminum swan hood ornament, that would be great to share with everyone.

So that's it for today -  just two fine toy cars made by a company that sold fine car parts in the 1920's and later. Sometimes, the story is not always about the toys,but the association of toys to other types of companies.  If you have the time, check out ebay  for the Faith Manufacturing Company.
promise that you won't be disappointed when you see the beautiful hood ornaments that they made. Be sure to not only to search for active listings, but also completed listings.

Part II
I was able to hear from Mr. David Mulholland later in the day that I posted the fine images from Bertoia Auctions. David had several nice hood ornaments on  ebay , but  I asked for permission of a beautiful swan hood ornament from the Faith Manufacturing Company.

David took lots of nice photos,and I decided to do my white background presentation and leave one of David's photos "as is", but I darkened his background even more. All 3 photos are beautiful. 

It's hard to imagine that hood ornaments like this could be purchased as add-ons to cars. Also, many of the fancy cars of the time came with beautiful hood ornaments. I mentioned that you should visit  ebay  and check out hood ornaments.They're truly majestic ,and you will not be disappointed. 

Thanks for dropping by and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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