Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Beautiful Hood Ornament - Not a Toy!

Wednesday, December 31,2014
Sunny and very,very cold!

A Beautiful Hood Ornament
(Not a Toy!)

   Yesterday, I had presented a toy that was given to clients of a car accessory company. The name of the company was the Faith Manufacturing Company of Chicago, Illinois (USA). Naturally benign very inquisitive, I had to research out the company,and I did. What I discovered was that the company produced outstanding car parts (handle hood ornaments, and running board parts). I received the go-ahead from 2 ebay sellers to use their photos, but somehow, I wasn't able to find the second person's listing.  I sent  London007 another e-mail asking for the listing, but I was able to found it again today. Needless to say, I don;t like to bother busy people, and I was very embarrassed!
The ebay seller prefers that I don't use his/her name,and so that's why I'm using their ebay name.

  I decided to add a separate post for this item .It's a very interesting and rare item albeit,"it's not a toy" in my title. If I had more time (and wanted to,I'd be writing 10 blogs about all kinds of diverse topics. However, just writing about toys keeps me busy enough.

I've you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know that I like old type, old graphic design layouts, and of course old-style illustrations. I'm sure any museum curator who is responsible for posters or anything relating to artwork with type would be able to approximate what year the box was designed.


Vintage Car Mascot/Hood?Radiator Ornament
Girl on Sled
Faith Manufacturing Company

Very rare hood ornament. In its original box. It looks new (Unused).
It was made in the 1930's? I can;' see any hallmarks on the ornament.
( I think London007 meant identification impressions 
of the name of the manufacturer for the worked "Hallmarks".)

I walked Buddy, our Poodle this morning,and I realized how much there isn't on cars anymore.
In the 1950's when I was under 10 years old, cars had chromed steel numbers, lots of side chrome, chrome on the wheel wells, small windows to let in air on each side of the front seat (driver and passenger) And earlier than the 1950's car had hood ornaments, and not just the expensive cars.
Nowadays,all of that is gone. Of course Rools-Royce has it's lady hood ornmane , as does jaguar, it's jaguar. However the Rolls, has an elaborate mechanism to hide the lady when the car is parked - too many were being stolen!

Amazingly, even the box and wrapping paper are intact. 
If you're a collector these make the collectible all the more valuable.

This hood ornament is truly a majestic and angelic piece.
Imagine that back in the 1920's and 1930's most cars had hood ornaments, and they weren't just the name of the car manufacturer.  They were true "hood ornaments" in every sense of the word!

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