Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I Finally Identified an Unknown Old Toy

Tuesday, December 24, 2014
Overcast, sleet and warm

I Finally Identify an 
Unknown Old Toy!

   I occasionally get e-mails from people asking to identify a toy for them. Most of the time,I don't get any photos,so when I then ask for photos, I other get them, or the person stops communicating. If you are going to ask for identification,  please sense large-sized photos and plots of photos. The photos should be of the left and right sides, close-up details such as special toy features and also a top and underneath view to show any markings.

I enjoyed all of your blog and info on antique toys. 
I have a toy that could be bliss. It is a rooster pulling a wood wagon. The rooster is wood with paper but the moveable parts, the wing are paper on tin. When pulled the wheels of the wagon and the feet of the rooster move and his head goes up and down. The only mark is Pat.Pend. 
I did a lot of search on Bliss but see mostly doll houses and ships. 
If I can get some help to identify it you are welcome to use it and photos in your blog.
Looking forward to your reply.
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

* Text used with courtesy of Augusta

  I have to be honest, and for a few minutes, I couldn't remember much about the Bliss Company.  So I did a search using different sets of wording, and came to  an excellent,excellent website that I had wrote about. It was the oldwoodtoys.com website.  Mr. Jim Sneed is the owner of the website,  while Judith Lile has a site on Jim's webesite that discusses and has nice examples of wood toys.  
  Aha,Eureka, By Jove!  I knew right away that the toy that Augusta described was not a Bliss toy. Bliss toys were pull toys.They did not have much metal if at all  to their parts,and they were not animated (moving parts). So I was in luck! I did more searches on Jim & Judith's website for "Rooster toys, wood rooster toys, rooster and wagon, animated rooster", and finally saw something. 
It was a rooster and wagon toy with metal framing that appeared to allow the toy rooster to move its wings and legs.  This seemed to fit Augusta's description!

   I sent Augusta 3 or 4 e-mails as I was searching.  I suggested that she check the oldwoodtoys.com website,then Gibbs Toys on the website, then a specific image of a Rooster and Wagon or cart) with movement.  And then I promised not to send any more e-mails! Sometimes when I get involved, I get all excited,and instead of sending 1 cohesive and all inclusive letter, I send small e-mails!

Augusta had mentioned that she would send me photos to use for a post,and she did that as soon as I had identified her toy. I start to do my "whitening effect", but changed my mind. I liked the nice white satin material,ad if my guest went to that effort to photograph the Gibb's rooster and wagon toy,the least that I could do is use the nice photos "as is", with some minor photo-editing.

This toy was manufactured in 1928 ( a mere 86 years old). There are certain characteristics to different toys that I am always amazed with.In this cast, we have lithographed paper glued on to tin wings and a wood body.

How can the paper remain in such excellent condition for so long?

I've written about the Bliss toys (lithographed paper on wood), and that was the first time I saw even older toys (110 year olds) in fine condition. I just commented to someone in a letter reply that I was more amazed at how paint could stay on an 80 year old cast iron toy, compared to a mere scratch on my car and the paint comes off!

When you look at the rooster from the side, the wigs appear quite wide due to the shadowing (painting) on the edges of the wings.Yet looking at the toy from the view below shows you how thin the tin wings actually are!

Another thing that I enjoy about certain animal pull toys is the selection of animals that go with pull carts. I've seen ostrich, lions, zebras to name a few, and I can't ever see such animals ever even pulling a cart in real life, although  I have seen real photos of ostrich pulling carts.

And now we have a rooster pulling a cart or wagon!
 This close below shows you how well-made the toy was assembled. Also you can see how the yellow and beige paint of the rooster's legs have stuck to the tin.

And here's the  left side view of the rooster.

I don't want to "strut like a rooster", but I finally was able to identify this toy.

And of course, being a writer of sorts:

A hen that struts like a rooster is often invited for dinner - pride goeth before the fall
(Meaning: Don't show off, and boast too much)

I found the above idiom (expression) at the address below:

Thanks for dropping by and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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