Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Overcast,heavy rain, and mild temperatures

Happy Holidays

   I can't remember creating a "special" post for the special holiday period, so I decided to make one this year. It's simple and plain, in keeping with the holiday spirit, which once upon a time was more in spirit than in commerce. I was able to find 2 very nice Christmas toys that are both rare, but are also quite attractive.

You'll have to look at these 4 composite photos to best appreciate the fine detail in the 2 magnificent and rare toys. I especially like the contradiction of the toy below in terms of Santa riding a modern mode of transportation in 1912.

There's lots of detail ,and the lustre finish on the toy  gives it a porcelain shine.

But my favourite of this toy is the small bear to the right and left of of Santa, and after that the small items scattered all over Santa 'scar.

It's a massive 27" ( 686 mm) in length, but its the detail of the figures that makes this toy what it is.
Each reindeer has a slightly different "expression" and pose, and the tails, the skin folds, and the tails are so realistic. The the skin that Santa is seated on adds to the old character of the toy.

I don't want to say more, but please enlarge this in the slide mode.

This piece is simply magnificent!

It's December 24 ,here in Montreal,but for those of you who celebrate Christmas, 
Santa  Claus has already passed over where you are living,and you are celebration the start of Christmas.

And for those who don't celebrate the holiday,
I wish everyone a happy restful period, and a Healthy and Happy New Year.


  1. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from Florida. Your blog has become a part of my daily routine. I look forward to what direction the day will take your postings.

  2. Hi Derrick,

    Thanks for the kind words, and may I also wish you and your family a very Merry christmas, and a Healthy and Happy New Year.


  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from NE Iowa!! Love the blog. Hoping for a tin toy under the tree this year!!

  4. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the warm wishes.
    The same to you and your family,
    and I hope you get that toy!

