Sunday, November 23, 2014

How to Photograph a Tootsietoy - Excellently

Sunday, November 23, 2014
Overcast, raining, and warmer

How to Photograph a Tootsietoy-

Yesterday, I presented a post titled "Par Excellence". Everything about that item for sale on ebay was done so well to sell the day, that I had to control myself to try and say much. After all, "par excellence" means that it's so great, that how could I say much! Anyway, last week, a reader by the name of Malinda Trollinger wrote to ask me about pricing a unique toy that was made by the late Marv Silverstein.  I offered Malinda a suggestion, and of course asked if I could post her fine toy. Later, I checked her other toys that she is selling for her father, and again asked if I might use them for posts , with her permission of course.

   One of the times that Malinde had sold was a Tootsietoy Autogyro.I've written about this fascinating toy and "real life" airplane. The real airplane eventually helped lead the way to the creation of the helicopter, although Mr Sikorsky (Russia) had made inroads towards this.  If you type a search for "autogyro" on my blog, you should come across that post. As well, if you type in "Malinda Tollinger", you will have that fine Marv Silverstein toy.

I didn't do much to these images as the airplane was nicely placed on a white material with
 nicely-arranged folds. All I did was remove what is called a "colourfast" in the whites.This was probably due to Malinda working with both incandescent (lightbulb) lighting, and perhaps a window letting daylight in was not covered. What happened is that some blue from the window comes in and adds blue to the white and the airplane.

As for the photography - excellent ++ !

Thanks for dropping by to visit,and as always,
have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,

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