Thursday, April 3, 2014

Some More Beautiful Cast Iron Cars

Thursday, April 3, 2014
               (Sunny but cool)

Some More Beautiful Cast Iron Cars

When warmer weather and  the spring season begins,  you can start to see more activity in the action marketplace.  Bertoia Auctions is having their second auction of the new year, scheduled for  May 10. It's called the Spring Toy Break auction. People like to get out was the warmer weather approaches. Of course, if you live in the warmer parts of the world, you may not know what snow and more snow, and very cold temperatures are. At least up here, it looks like it may not snow anymore-finally!

Many of the auction companies are settling into their newer version of their auction presentations. The older versions are still available. The basic difference is in how the items are presented.  In the older version, the images are presented on a single page, along with the description of the item. With the newer version, the images are presented separately and are viewed one at a time for each of the images provided per listing. Also, a double-click of you mouse allows you to view a magnified version of the item against a complete back window. You can always press the escape key to return to the descriptions.

I haven't seen this particular A.C. Williams model sedan before. It's one of those take apart cast iron cars from the 1930's (estimated). Most of the cast iron toy companies made similar versions of this type of toy. With it, you could dismantle the upper body and lower chassis,and exchange parts. YOu could for example change this perhaps into a convertible or even a truck.

Here's another cast iron toy that I've never seen before. It appears to look like a take apart, but without a description, and no catalogue, I can be 100% sure. I also assume that it may not be tat rare as the estimated price range (low and high) and the starting price are relatively low .

 Here' yet another race car that I haven't seem until recently. If you look closely there are 2 passengers in the car. At one time in the sport of racing, there were 2 people in the car - an assistant and the driver.
 And yet another "treasure" that I've never seen until recently. It looks like the cars that would appear in very old comic books of the 1930's.

I have seen the Vindex, but I still presented it for today. Iy's very rare, and has a much higher starting bidding price than most of the other cars. I never tire of  this toy.

I once bought and resold a Hubley racer with a similar  hood that could open. The above sedan has been  restored and had some replacement parts.However, even that will not deter collectors from bidding on this fine toy. It too has a very high starting price, and is quite rare.

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you should know what this car is and who makes it. It's a Hubley Airflow, but this one is a larger sized one with electric (battery lights).  This one is in superior condition, and it too has a high staring bidding price.  The Chrysler "real" Airflow is beautiful, but unfortunately did not sell well in the marketplace of the 1930's. Sadly it was discontinued. If you do a search for Chrysler Airflow, you will see a very beautiful car. Many of the cast iron toy companies made the Airflow, and for sold more of these "toys" that Chrysler sold their "real" car.

You have to check out this Bertoia auction because there are just so many fine toys to see. I'll be posting more in the coming weeks with the many different  classifications of toys. There are an amazing amount of pull toy bell toys that I also haven't seen before!

Thanks for dropping by,
and as always,have a great part of the day or night,
wherever you may be,
My e-mail address is

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